/* * Modified: Jachym, Meteotemplate, 2017 */ /*! * Name : steelseries.js * Authors : Gerrit Grunwald, Mark Crossley * Last modified : 01.12.2015 * Revision : 0.14.16 * Edited for Meteotemplate - Jachym 2017 * * Copyright (c) 2011, Gerrit Grunwald, Mark Crossley * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ var steelseries = function() { function u(n, t) { var i = "#" === n.charAt(0) ? n.substring(1, 7) : n, r = parseInt(i.substring(0, 2), 16), u = parseInt(i.substring(2, 4), 16), f = parseInt(i.substring(4, 6), 16); return "rgba(" + r + "," + u + "," + f + "," + t + ")" } function kt(t, i, r, u, f) { var c = 1 / 255, e = t.getRed(), o = t.getGreen(), s = t.getBlue(), h = t.getAlpha(), p = i.getRed() - e, w = i.getGreen() - o, b = i.getBlue() - s, k = i.getAlpha() * c - h * c, l = p / r * u, a = w / r * u, v = b / r * u, y = k / r * u; return f = f || !1, f ? [(e + l).toFixed(0), (o + a).toFixed(0), (s + v).toFixed(0), h + y] : new n((e + l).toFixed(0), (o + a).toFixed(0), (s + v).toFixed(0), h + y) } function gi(n, t, i) { return { start: n, stop: t, color: i } } function k(n, t) { var r = Math.floor(Math.log10(n)), i = n / Math.pow(10, r), u; return u = t ? 1.5 > i ? 1 : 3 > i ? 2 : 7 > i ? 5 : 10 : 1 >= i ? 1 : 2 >= i ? 2 : 5 >= i ? 5 : 10, u * Math.pow(10, r) } function dt(n, t, i, r, u, f) { var e = t + r, o = i + u; n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(t + f, i); n.lineTo(e - f, i); n.quadraticCurveTo(e, i, e, i + f); n.lineTo(e, i + u - f); n.quadraticCurveTo(e, o, e - f, o); n.lineTo(t + f, o); n.quadraticCurveTo(t, o, t, o - f); n.lineTo(t, i + f); n.quadraticCurveTo(t, i, t + f, i); n.closePath() } function r(n, t) { var i = d.createElement("canvas"); return i.width = n, i.height = t, i } function ii(n, t, i) { var r = d.createElement("canvas"); return r.width = n, r.height = t, i(r.getContext("2d")), r } function rt(n) { var t, i = ii(1, 1, function(t) { t.fillStyle = n; t.beginPath(); t.rect(0, 0, 1, 1); t.fill() }); return t = i.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 2, 2).data, [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]] } function ei(t) { var u, f, e, o, s, r = rt(t), i = new n(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]); return u = oi(i, .32), f = oi(i, .62), e = ri(i, .84), o = ri(i, .94), s = ri(i, 1), new y(u, f, i, e, o, s) } function st(n, t, i) { var r, u, f, h = Math.floor(n * 6), c = n * 6 - h, e = i * (1 - t), o = i * (1 - c * t), s = i * (1 - (1 - c) * t); switch (h % 6) { case 0: r = i; u = s; f = e; break; case 1: r = o; u = i; f = e; break; case 2: r = e; u = i; f = s; break; case 3: r = e; u = o; f = i; break; case 4: r = s; u = e; f = i; break; case 5: r = i; u = e; f = o } return [Math.floor(r * 255), Math.floor(u * 255), Math.floor(f * 255)] } function ot(n, t, i) { var e, r, u, o, s, f; if (n = n / 255, t = t / 255, i = i / 255, r = Math.max(n, t, i), e = Math.min(n, t, i), s = r, f = r - e, o = r === 0 ? 0 : f / r, r === e) u = 0; else { switch (r) { case n: u = (t - i) / f + (t < i ? 6 : 0); break; case t: u = (i - n) / f + 2; break; case i: u = (n - t) / f + 4 } u /= 6 } return [u, o, s] } function p(n, t) { return n < 0 ? 0 : n > t ? t : n } function oi(t, i) { var r = Math.floor(t.getRed() * (1 - i)), u = Math.floor(t.getGreen() * (1 - i)), f = Math.floor(t.getBlue() * (1 - i)); return r = p(r, 255), u = p(u, 255), f = p(f, 255), new n(r, u, f, t.getAlpha()) } function ri(t, i) { var r = Math.round(t.getRed() * (1 + i)), u = Math.round(t.getGreen() * (1 + i)), f = Math.round(t.getBlue() * (1 + i)); return r = p(r, 255), u = p(u, 255), f = p(f, 255), new n(r, u, f, t.getAlpha()) } function nr(n, t, i) { var r, u; if (i <= t) throw "Rotary bounds are of negative or zero size"; return r = i - t, u = Math.floor((n - t) / r), n - u * r } function si(n, t) { return nr(t - n, -180, 180) } function ht(n) { var t = typeof n == "string" || n instanceof String ? d.getElementById(n) : n; return t.getContext("2d") } var i = Math.PI * .5, t = Math.PI * 2, o = Math.PI, c = Math.PI / 180, pt = 180 / Math.PI, d = document, wt = "LCDMono2Ultra,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif", s = "Arial,Verdana,sans-serif", hi = function(n, u) { var yi; u = u || {}; var vt = undefined === u.gaugeType ? steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4 : u.gaugeType, f = undefined === u.size ? 0 : u.size, h = undefined === u.minValue ? 0 : u.minValue, b = undefined === u.maxValue ? h + 100 : u.maxValue, ve = undefined === u.niceScale ? !0 : u.niceScale, gt = undefined === u.threshold ? (b - h) / 2 + h : u.threshold, ti = undefined === u.thresholdRising ? !0 : u.thresholdRising, ci = undefined === u.section ? null : u.section, li = undefined === u.area ? null : u.area, vu = undefined === u.titleString ? "" : u.titleString, yu = undefined === u.unitString ? "" : u.unitString, pu = undefined === u.frameDesign ? steelseries.FrameDesign.METAL : u.frameDesign, wu = undefined === u.frameVisible ? !0 : u.frameVisible, ai = undefined === u.backgroundColor ? steelseries.BackgroundColor.DARK_GRAY : u.backgroundColor, bu = undefined === u.backgroundVisible ? !0 : u.backgroundVisible, oi = undefined === u.pointerType ? steelseries.PointerType.TYPE1 : u.pointerType, ku = undefined === u.pointerColor ? steelseries.ColorDef.RED : u.pointerColor, ye = undefined === u.knobType ? steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB : u.knobType, vi = undefined === u.knobStyle ? steelseries.KnobStyle.SILVER : u.knobStyle, di = undefined === u.lcdColor ? steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD : u.lcdColor, iu = undefined === u.lcdVisible ? !0 : u.lcdVisible, du = undefined === u.lcdDecimals ? 2 : u.lcdDecimals, pe = undefined === u.digitalFont ? !1 : u.digitalFont, gu = undefined === u.fractionalScaleDecimals ? 1 : u.fractionalScaleDecimals, ru = undefined === u.ledColor ? steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED : u.ledColor, uu = undefined === u.ledVisible ? !0 : u.ledVisible, fu = undefined === u.userLedColor ? steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED : u.userLedColor, eu = undefined === u.userLedVisible ? !1 : u.userLedVisible, nf = undefined === u.thresholdVisible ? !0 : u.thresholdVisible, ou = undefined === u.minMeasuredValueVisible ? !1 : u.minMeasuredValueVisible, su = undefined === u.maxMeasuredValueVisible ? !1 : u.maxMeasuredValueVisible, tf = undefined === u.foregroundType ? steelseries.ForegroundType.TYPE1 : u.foregroundType, rf = undefined === u.foregroundVisible ? !0 : u.foregroundVisible, uf = undefined === u.labelNumberFormat ? steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.STANDARD : u.labelNumberFormat, rr = undefined === u.playAlarm ? !1 : u.playAlarm, ff = undefined === u.alarmSound ? !1 : u.alarmSound, we = undefined === u.customLayer ? null : u.customLayer, be = undefined === u.tickLabelOrientation ? vt === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE1 ? steelseries.TickLabelOrientation.TANGENT : steelseries.TickLabelOrientation.NORMAL : u.tickLabelOrientation, hu = undefined === u.trendVisible ? !1 : u.trendVisible, lr = undefined === u.trendColors ? [steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED, steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED, steelseries.LedColor.CYAN_LED] : u.trendColors, ar = undefined === u.useOdometer ? !1 : u.useOdometer, si = undefined === u.odometerParams ? {} : u.odometerParams, ke = undefined === u.odometerUseValue ? !1 : u.odometerUseValue, ef = undefined === u.fullScaleDeflectionTime ? 2.5 : u.fullScaleDeflectionTime, e = ht(n); f === 0 && (f = Math.min(e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height)); e.canvas.width = f; e.canvas.height = f; rr && ff !== !1 && (yi = d.createElement("audio"), yi.setAttribute("src", ff), yi.setAttribute("preload", "auto")); var p = h, vr = h, of = this, pi = b, wi = h, ut = !1, yr = !1, sf = 0, cu = 0, bi, ki = !1, hf = steelseries.TrendState.OFF, pr = f * .06, wr = f * .29, br = f * .36, gi, yt, kr, pt, kt, lu = yt + (p - h) * kt, y = f, rt = f, st = y / 2, lt = rt / 2, ii = f * .093457, de = .6 * y, ge = .4 * rt, no = vt === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE3 ? .6 * y : st - ii / 2, to = vt === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE3 ? .72 * rt : .75 * rt, au = Math.floor(y / 10), io = au + "px " + s, ro = au + "px " + wt, cf = rt * .13, ur = y * .4, lf = (y - ur) / 2, af = rt * .57, vf, uo = rt * .61, yf = y * .006, pf = !1, dr = h, gr = b, fr = b - h, ri = gr - dr, nu = 0, ui = 0, nr = 10, wf = 10, fo = function() { ve ? (fr = k(b - h, !1), ui = k(fr / (wf - 1), !0), dr = Math.floor(h / ui) * ui, gr = Math.ceil(b / ui) * ui, nu = k(ui / (nr - 1), !0), h = dr, b = gr, ri = b - h) : (fr = b - h, dr = h, gr = b, ri = fr, ui = k(fr / (wf - 1), !0), nu = k(ui / (nr - 1), !0)); switch (vt.type) { case "type1": gi = 0; yt = o; kr = i; pt = i; kt = pt / ri; break; case "type2": gi = 0; yt = o; kr = i; pt = o; kt = pt / ri; break; case "type3": gi = 0; yt = i; kr = 0; pt = 1.5 * o; kt = pt / ri; break; case "type4": default: gi = 60 * c; yt = i + gi / 2; kr = 0; pt = t - gi; kt = pt / ri } lu = yt + (p - h) * kt }, er = r(f, f), bf = er.getContext("2d"), or = r(f, f), at = or.getContext("2d"), kf, tr = r(ii, ii), df = tr.getContext("2d"), hi = r(ii, ii), gf = hi.getContext("2d"), ir = hi, ei = r(ii, ii), ne = ei.getContext("2d"), ni = r(ii, ii), te = ni.getContext("2d"), dt = ni, ie = r(Math.ceil(f * .028037), Math.ceil(f * .028037)), eo = ie.getContext("2d"), re = r(Math.ceil(f * .028037), Math.ceil(f * .028037)), oo = re.getContext("2d"), sr = r(f, f), ue = sr.getContext("2d"), hr = r(f, f), fe = hr.getContext("2d"), ee, oe, se, he, ce, tu, le; ar && iu && (tu = r(10, 10), le = tu.getContext("2d")); var so = function(n, t) { n.restore(); n.save(); n.textAlign = "right"; n.strokeStyle = di.textColor; n.fillStyle = di.textColor; (di === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD || di === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD_GREEN) && (n.shadowColor = "gray", n.shadowOffsetX = y * .007, n.shadowOffsetY = y * .007, n.shadowBlur = y * .007); n.font = pe ? ro : io; n.fillText(t.toFixed(du), lf + ur - ur * .05, af + cf * .5 + au * .38, ur * .9); n.restore() }, ho = function(n) { n.save(); "type1" === vt.type && n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .523364, rt * .130841); ("type1" === vt.type || "type2" === vt.type) && n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .130841, rt * .514018); ("type2" === vt.type || "type3" === vt.type) && n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .831775, rt * .514018); "type3" === vt.type && n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .523364, rt * .831775); "type4" === vt.type && (n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .336448, rt * .803738), n.drawImage(l(Math.ceil(rt * .037383), steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB, vi), y * .626168, rt * .803738)); n.restore() }, co = function() { var t = d.createElement("canvas"), n, i; return t.width = Math.ceil(f * .046728), t.height = Math.ceil(t.width * .9), n = t.getContext("2d"), n.save(), i = n.createLinearGradient(0, .1, 0, t.height * .9), i.addColorStop(0, "#520000"), i.addColorStop(.3, "#fc1d00"), i.addColorStop(.59, "#fc1d00"), i.addColorStop(1, "#520000"), n.fillStyle = i, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(t.width * .5, .1), n.lineTo(t.width * .9, t.height * .9), n.lineTo(t.width * .1, t.height * .9), n.lineTo(t.width * .5, .1), n.closePath(), n.fill(), n.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF", n.stroke(), n.restore(), t }, ae = function(n, t, i, r, u) { if (t < h ? t = h : t > b && (t = b), i < h ? i = h : i > b && (i = b), !(t >= i)) { n.save(); n.strokeStyle = r; n.fillStyle = r; n.lineWidth = y * .035; var f = pt / ri * t - pt / ri * h, e = f + (i - t) / (ri / pt); n.translate(st, lt); n.rotate(yt); n.beginPath(); u ? (n.moveTo(0, 0), n.arc(0, 0, y * .365 - n.lineWidth / 2, f, e, !1)) : n.arc(0, 0, y * .365, f, e, !1); u ? (n.moveTo(0, 0), n.fill()) : n.stroke(); n.translate(-st, -lt); n.restore() } }, lo = function(n, t) { var w = Math.ceil(y * .04), f = yt, r = kt * nu, u, e = h, c = nr - 1, a = y * .38, k = y * .35, d = y * .355, g = y * .36, p = y * .3, l = y * .1, nt = nr / 2, tt = parseFloat(b.toFixed(2)), v; for (ai.labelColor.setAlpha(1), n.save(), n.textAlign = "center", n.textBaseline = "middle", n.font = w + "px " + s, n.strokeStyle = ai.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.fillStyle = ai.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.translate(st, lt), n.rotate(yt), (vt.type === "type1" || vt.type === "type2") && (l = y * .04), v = h; parseFloat(v.toFixed(2)) <= tt; v += nu) { if (u = r + i, c++, c === nr) { n.lineWidth = 1.5; n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(a, 0); n.lineTo(k, 0); n.closePath(); n.stroke(); n.save(); n.translate(p, 0); switch (be.type) { case "horizontal": u = -f; break; case "tangent": u = f <= i + o ? o : 0; break; case "normal": default: u = i } n.rotate(u); switch (t.format) { case "fractional": n.fillText(e.toFixed(gu), 0, 0, l); break; case "scientific": n.fillText(e.toPrecision(2), 0, 0, l); break; case "standard": default: n.fillText(e.toFixed(0), 0, 0, l) } n.translate(-p, 0); n.restore(); e += ui; c = 0; n.rotate(r); f += r; continue } 0 == nr % 2 && c === nt ? (n.lineWidth = 1, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(a, 0), n.lineTo(d, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke()) : (n.lineWidth = .5, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(a, 0), n.lineTo(g, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke()); n.rotate(r); f += r } n.translate(-st, -lt); n.restore() }, ot = function(n) { var t, r, e; n = n || {}; var o = undefined === n.frame ? !1 : n.frame, u = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, s = undefined === n.led ? !1 : n.led, c = undefined === n.userLed ? !1 : n.userLed, l = undefined === n.pointer ? !1 : n.pointer, v = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground, b = undefined === n.trend ? !1 : n.trend, k = undefined === n.odo ? !1 : n.odo; if (pf = !0, fo(), o && wu && g(bf, pu, st, lt, y, rt), u && bu && (nt(at, ai, st, lt, y, rt), bt(at, we, st, lt, y, rt)), s && (df.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(f * .093457), 1, ru), 0, 0), gf.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(f * .093457), 0, ru), 0, 0)), c && (ne.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(f * .093457), 1, fu), 0, 0), te.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(f * .093457), 0, fu), 0, 0)), ou && eo.drawImage(et(Math.ceil(f * .028037), steelseries.ColorDef.BLUE.dark.getRgbaColor(), !0, !0), 0, 0), su && oo.drawImage(et(Math.ceil(f * .028037), steelseries.ColorDef.RED.medium.getRgbaColor(), !0), 0, 0), u && bu) { if (ho(at), null !== ci && 0 < ci.length) { t = ci.length; do t--, ae(at, ci[t].start, ci[t].stop, ci[t].color, !1); while (0 < t) } if (null !== li && 0 < li.length) { r = li.length; do r--, ae(at, li[r].start, li[r].stop, li[r].color, !0); while (0 < r) } lo(at, uf); fi(at, y, rt, vu, yu, ai, !0, !0) } u && nf && (at.save(), at.translate(st, lt), at.rotate(yt + (gt - h) * kt + i), at.translate(-st, -lt), at.drawImage(co(), y * .475, rt * .13), at.translate(st, lt), at.restore()); u && iu && (ar && k ? (ce = new steelseries.Odometer("", { _context: le, height: f * .075, decimals: si.decimals, digits: si.digits === undefined ? 5 : si.digits, valueForeColor: si.valueForeColor, valueBackColor: si.valueBackColor, decimalForeColor: si.decimalForeColor, decimalBackColor: si.decimalBackColor, font: si.font, value: p }), vf = (y - tu.width) / 2) : ar || (kf = it(ur, cf, di), at.drawImage(kf, lf, af))); l && ft(ue, y, oi, ku, ai.labelColor); v && rf && (e = oi.type === "type15" || oi.type === "type16" ? !1 : !0, tt(fe, tf, y, rt, e, ye, vi, vt)); b && hu && (ee = w(pr, steelseries.TrendState.UP, lr), oe = w(pr, steelseries.TrendState.STEADY, lr), se = w(pr, steelseries.TrendState.DOWN, lr), he = w(pr, steelseries.TrendState.OFF, lr)) }, ct = function(n) { n = n || {}; var t = undefined === n.frame ? !1 : n.frame, i = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, r = undefined === n.led ? !1 : n.led, u = undefined === n.userLed ? !1 : n.userLed, e = undefined === n.pointer ? !1 : n.pointer, o = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground; t && (er.width = f, er.height = f, bf = er.getContext("2d")); i && (or.width = f, or.height = f, at = or.getContext("2d")); r && (tr.width = Math.ceil(f * .093457), tr.height = Math.ceil(f * .093457), df = tr.getContext("2d"), hi.width = Math.ceil(f * .093457), hi.height = Math.ceil(f * .093457), gf = hi.getContext("2d"), ir = hi); u && (ei.width = Math.ceil(f * .093457), ei.height = Math.ceil(f * .093457), ne = ei.getContext("2d"), ni.width = Math.ceil(f * .093457), ni.height = Math.ceil(f * .093457), te = ni.getContext("2d"), dt = ni); e && (sr.width = f, sr.height = f, ue = sr.getContext("2d")); o && (hr.width = f, hr.height = f, fe = hr.getContext("2d")) }, ao = function() { uu && (ir = ir === tr ? hi : tr, ki || (ki = !0, v(of.repaint))) }, vo = function() { eu && (dt = dt === ei ? ni : ei, ki || (ki = !0, v(of.repaint))) }, cr = function(n) { n ? sf = setInterval(ao, 1e3) : (clearInterval(sf), ir = hi) }, yo = function(n) { n ? cu = setInterval(vo, 1e3) : (clearInterval(cu), dt = ni) }; return this.setValue = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < h ? h : n > b ? b : n; return p !== t && (p = t, p > wi && (wi = p), p < pi && (pi = p), p >= gt && !ut && ti || p <= gt && !ut && !ti ? (ut = !0, cr(ut), rr && yi.play()) : (p < gt && ut && ti || p > gt && ut && !ti) && (ut = !1, cr(ut), rr && yi.pause()), this.repaint()), this }, this.getValue = function() { return p }, this.setOdoValue = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < 0 ? 0 : n; return vr !== t && (vr = t, this.repaint()), this }, this.getOdoValue = function() { return vr }, this.setValueAnimated = function(n, t) { n = parseFloat(n); var r = n < h ? h : n > b ? b : n, u = this, i; return p !== r && (undefined !== bi && bi.isPlaying && bi.stop(), i = ef * Math.abs(r - p) / (b - h), i = Math.max(i, ef / 5), bi = new Tween({}, "", Tween.regularEaseInOut, p, r, i), bi.onMotionChanged = function(n) { p = n.target._pos; p >= gt && !ut && ti || p <= gt && !ut && !ti ? (ut = !0, cr(ut), rr && yi.play()) : (p < gt && ut && ti || p > gt && ut && !ti) && (ut = !1, cr(ut), rr && yi.pause()); p > wi && (wi = p); p < pi && (pi = p); ki || (ki = !0, v(u.repaint)) }, t && typeof t == "function" && (bi.onMotionFinished = t), bi.start()), this }, this.resetMinMeasuredValue = function() { pi = p; this.repaint() }, this.resetMaxMeasuredValue = function() { return wi = p, this.repaint(), this }, this.setMinMeasuredValueVisible = function(n) { return ou = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setMaxMeasuredValueVisible = function(n) { return su = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setMaxMeasuredValue = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < h ? h : n > b ? b : n; return wi = t, this.repaint(), this }, this.setMinMeasuredValue = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < h ? h : n > b ? b : n; return pi = t, this.repaint(), this }, this.setTitleString = function(n) { return vu = n, ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setUnitString = function(n) { return yu = n, ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setMinValue = function(n) { return h = parseFloat(n), ct({ frame: !0, background: !0 }), ot({ frame: !0, background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.getMinValue = function() { return h }, this.setMaxValue = function(n) { return b = parseFloat(n), ct({ frame: !0, background: !0 }), ot({ frame: !0, background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.getMaxValue = function() { return b }, this.setThreshold = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < h ? h : n > b ? b : n; return gt = t, ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setArea = function(n) { return li = n, ct({ background: !0, foreground: !0 }), ot({ background: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setSection = function(n) { return ci = n, ct({ background: !0, foreground: !0 }), ot({ background: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setThresholdVisible = function(n) { return nf = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setThresholdRising = function(n) { return ti = !!n, ut = !ut, cr(ut), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdDecimals = function(n) { return du = parseInt(n, 10), this.repaint(), this }, this.setFrameDesign = function(n) { return ct({ frame: !0 }), pu = n, ot({ frame: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setBackgroundColor = function(n) { return ct({ background: !0, pointer: oi.type === "type2" || oi.type === "type13" ? !0 : !1 }), ai = n, ot({ background: !0, pointer: oi.type === "type2" || oi.type === "type13" ? !0 : !1 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setForegroundType = function(n) { return ct({ foreground: !0 }), tf = n, ot({ foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerType = function(n) { return ct({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), oi = n, ot({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerColor = function(n) { return ct({ pointer: !0 }), ku = n, ot({ pointer: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLedColor = function(n) { return ct({ led: !0 }), ru = n, ot({ led: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedColor = function(n) { return ct({ userLed: !0 }), fu = n, ot({ userLed: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.toggleUserLed = function() { return dt = dt === ei ? ni : ei, this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedOnOff = function(n) { return dt = !0 === n ? ei : ni, this.repaint(), this }, this.blinkUserLed = function(n) { return n ? yr || (yo(!0), yr = !0) : yr && (clearInterval(cu), yr = !1), this }, this.setLedVisible = function(n) { return uu = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedVisible = function(n) { return eu = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdColor = function(n) { return di = n, ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setTrend = function(n) { return hf = n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setTrendVisible = function(n) { return hu = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setFractionalScaleDecimals = function(n) { return gu = parseInt(n, 10), ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLabelNumberFormat = function(n) { return uf = n, ct({ background: !0 }), ot({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.repaint = function() { if (pf || ot({ frame: !0, background: !0, led: !0, userLed: !0, pointer: !0, trend: !0, foreground: !0, odo: !0 }), e.clearRect(0, 0, f, f), wu && e.drawImage(er, 0, 0), e.drawImage(or, 0, 0), iu && (ar ? (ce.setValue(ke ? p : vr), e.drawImage(tu, vf, uo)) : so(e, p)), uu && e.drawImage(ir, de, ge), eu && e.drawImage(dt, no, to), hu) switch (hf.state) { case "up": e.drawImage(ee, wr, br); break; case "steady": e.drawImage(oe, wr, br); break; case "down": e.drawImage(se, wr, br); break; case "off": e.drawImage(he, wr, br) } ou && (e.save(), e.translate(st, lt), e.rotate(yt + i + (pi - h) * kt), e.translate(-st, -lt), e.drawImage(ie, e.canvas.width * .4865, e.canvas.height * .105), e.restore()); su && (e.save(), e.translate(st, lt), e.rotate(yt + i + (wi - h) * kt), e.translate(-st, -lt), e.drawImage(re, e.canvas.width * .4865, e.canvas.height * .105), e.restore()); lu = yt + i + (p - h) * kt; e.save(); e.translate(st, lt); e.rotate(lu); e.translate(-st, -lt); e.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; e.shadowOffsetX = e.shadowOffsetY = yf; e.shadowBlur = yf * 2; e.drawImage(sr, 0, 0); e.restore(); rf && e.drawImage(hr, 0, 0); ki = !1 }, this.repaint(), this }, ci = function(n, u) { var li; u = u || {}; var hi = undefined === u.gaugeType ? steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4 : u.gaugeType, h = undefined === u.size ? 0 : u.size, f = undefined === u.minValue ? 0 : u.minValue, l = undefined === u.maxValue ? f + 100 : u.maxValue, re = undefined === u.niceScale ? !0 : u.niceScale, gt = undefined === u.threshold ? (l - f) / 2 + f : u.threshold, ni = undefined === u.thresholdRising ? !0 : u.thresholdRising, ci = undefined === u.section ? null : u.section, su = undefined === u.useSectionColors ? !1 : u.useSectionColors, hu = undefined === u.titleString ? "" : u.titleString, cu = undefined === u.unitString ? "" : u.unitString, lu = undefined === u.frameDesign ? steelseries.FrameDesign.METAL : u.frameDesign, au = undefined === u.frameVisible ? !0 : u.frameVisible, yi = undefined === u.backgroundColor ? steelseries.BackgroundColor.DARK_GRAY : u.backgroundColor, vu = undefined === u.backgroundVisible ? !0 : u.backgroundVisible, sr = undefined === u.valueColor ? steelseries.ColorDef.RED : u.valueColor, pi = undefined === u.lcdColor ? steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD : u.lcdColor, yu = undefined === u.lcdVisible ? !0 : u.lcdVisible, pu = undefined === u.lcdDecimals ? 2 : u.lcdDecimals, ue = undefined === u.digitalFont ? !1 : u.digitalFont, wu = undefined === u.fractionalScaleDecimals ? 1 : u.fractionalScaleDecimals, fe = undefined === u.customLayer ? null : u.customLayer, dr = undefined === u.ledColor ? steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED : u.ledColor, gr = undefined === u.ledVisible ? !0 : u.ledVisible, nu = undefined === u.userLedColor ? steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED : u.userLedColor, tu = undefined === u.userLedVisible ? !1 : u.userLedVisible, bu = undefined === u.labelNumberFormat ? steelseries.LabelNumberFormat.STANDARD : u.labelNumberFormat, ku = undefined === u.foregroundType ? steelseries.ForegroundType.TYPE1 : u.foregroundType, du = undefined === u.foregroundVisible ? !0 : u.foregroundVisible, gi = undefined === u.playAlarm ? !1 : u.playAlarm, gu = undefined === u.alarmSound ? !1 : u.alarmSound, nr = undefined === u.valueGradient ? null : u.valueGradient, nf = undefined === u.useValueGradient ? !1 : u.useValueGradient, ee = undefined === u.tickLabelOrientation ? hi === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE1 ? steelseries.TickLabelOrientation.TANGENT : steelseries.TickLabelOrientation.NORMAL : u.tickLabelOrientation, iu = undefined === u.trendVisible ? !1 : u.trendVisible, hr = undefined === u.trendColors ? [steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED, steelseries.LedColor.GREEN_LED, steelseries.LedColor.CYAN_LED] : u.trendColors, tf = undefined === u.fullScaleDeflectionTime ? 2.5 : u.fullScaleDeflectionTime, p = ht(n); h === 0 && (h = Math.min(p.canvas.width, p.canvas.height)); p.canvas.width = h; p.canvas.height = h; gi && gu !== !1 && (li = d.createElement("audio"), li.setAttribute("src", gu), li.setAttribute("preload", "auto")); var ft = f, vt = l - f, rt = !1, rf = 0, cr = !1, ru = 0, ai, uf = this, vi = !1, at, ot, wi, ui, b, ti, kt, oe, bi = [], lr = !1, uu = !1, e = h, st = h, et = e / 2, ct = st / 2, fu = Math.floor(e / 10), se = fu + "px " + s, he = fu + "px " + wt, eu = st * .13, tr = e * .4, ff = (e - tr) / 2, ef = st / 2 - eu / 2, ce = e * .116822, le = e * .485981, y = Math.ceil(h * .093457), of = e * .53, sf = st * .61, ae = hi === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE3 ? .7 * e : et - y / 2, ve = hi === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE3 ? .61 * st : .75 * st, hf = steelseries.TrendState.OFF, ar = h * .06, vr = h * .38, yr = h * .57; switch (hi.type) { case "type1": at = 0; ot = o; wi = 0; ui = i; b = i; ti = b * pt; kt = b / vt; break; case "type2": at = 0; ot = o; wi = 0; ui = i; b = o; ti = b * pt; kt = b / vt; break; case "type3": at = 0; ot = i; wi = -i; ui = 0; b = 1.5 * o; ti = b * pt; kt = b / vt; break; case "type4": default: at = 60 * c; ot = i + at / 2; wi = -t / 6; ui = 0; b = t - at; ti = b * pt; kt = b / vt } var ir = r(h, h), cf = ir.getContext("2d"), rr = r(h, h), oi = rr.getContext("2d"), lf, ur = r(Math.ceil(h * .060747), Math.ceil(h * .023364)), ou = ur.getContext("2d"), ki = r(y, y), af = ki.getContext("2d"), si = r(y, y), vf = si.getContext("2d"), di = si, ii = r(y, y), yf = ii.getContext("2d"), dt = r(y, y), pf = dt.getContext("2d"), yt = dt, ye, fr = r(h, h), wf = fr.getContext("2d"), bf, kf, df, gf, ne = !1, pr = f, wr = l, er = l - f; vt = wr - pr; var br = 0, ri = 0, kr = 10, te = 10, pe = function() { re ? (er = k(l - f, !1), ri = k(er / (te - 1), !0), pr = Math.floor(f / ri) * ri, wr = Math.ceil(l / ri) * ri, br = k(ri / (kr - 1), !0), f = pr, l = wr, vt = l - f) : (er = l - f, pr = f, wr = l, vt = er, ri = k(er / (te - 1), !0), br = k(ri / (kr - 1), !0)); switch (hi.type) { case "type1": at = 0; ot = o; ui = i; b = i; kt = b / vt; break; case "type2": at = 0; ot = o; ui = i; b = o; kt = b / vt; break; case "type3": at = 0; ot = i; ui = 0; b = 1.5 * o; kt = b / vt; break; case "type4": default: at = 60 * c; ot = i + at / 2; ui = 0; b = t - at; kt = b / vt } oe = ot + (ft - f) * kt }, ut = function(n) { var t; n = n || {}; var r = undefined === n.frame ? !1 : n.frame, i = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, u = undefined === n.led ? !1 : n.led, o = undefined === n.userLed ? !1 : n.userLed, s = undefined === n.value ? !1 : n.value, h = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground, c = undefined === n.trend ? !1 : n.trend; if (ne = !0, pe(), r && au && g(cf, lu, et, ct, e, st), i && vu && (nt(oi, yi, et, ct, e, st), bt(oi, fe, et, ct, e, st)), u && (af.drawImage(a(y, 1, dr), 0, 0), vf.drawImage(a(y, 0, dr), 0, 0), ye = oi.getImageData(of, sf, y, y)), o && (yf.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(y), 1, nu), 0, 0), pf.drawImage(a(Math.ceil(y), 0, nu), 0, 0)), i && we(oi), i && vu && (ke(oi, bu), fi(oi, e, st, hu, cu, yi, !0, !0)), i && yu && (lf = it(tr, eu, pi), oi.drawImage(lf, ff, ef)), lr = !1, su && null !== ci && 0 < ci.length) { lr = !0; t = ci.length; bi = []; do t--, bi.push({ start: (ci[t].start + Math.abs(f)) / (l - f) * ti, stop: (ci[t].stop + Math.abs(f)) / (l - f) * ti, color: ei(ci[t].color) }); while (0 < t) } uu = !1; nf && nr !== null && (lr = !1, uu = !0); s && ie(ou, sr); h && du && tt(wf, ku, e, st, !1); c && iu && (bf = w(ar, steelseries.TrendState.UP, hr), kf = w(ar, steelseries.TrendState.STEADY, hr), df = w(ar, steelseries.TrendState.DOWN, hr), gf = w(ar, steelseries.TrendState.OFF, hr)) }, lt = function(n) { n = n || {}; var t = undefined === n.frame ? !1 : n.frame, i = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, r = undefined === n.led ? !1 : n.led, u = undefined === n.userLed ? !1 : n.userLed, f = undefined === n.value ? !1 : n.value, e = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground; t && (ir.width = h, ir.height = h, cf = ir.getContext("2d")); i && (rr.width = h, rr.height = h, oi = rr.getContext("2d")); f && (ur.width = Math.ceil(h * .060747), ur.height = Math.ceil(h * .023364), ou = ur.getContext("2d")); r && (ki.width = Math.ceil(y), ki.height = Math.ceil(y), af = ki.getContext("2d"), si.width = Math.ceil(y), si.height = Math.ceil(y), vf = si.getContext("2d"), di = si); u && (ii.width = Math.ceil(y), ii.height = Math.ceil(y), yf = ii.getContext("2d"), dt.width = Math.ceil(y), dt.height = Math.ceil(y), pf = dt.getContext("2d"), yt = dt); e && (fr.width = h, fr.height = h, wf = fr.getContext("2d")) }, we = function(n) { var t, r, i; n.save(); n.save(); n.lineWidth = h * .085; n.beginPath(); n.translate(et, ct); n.rotate(ot - 4 * c); n.translate(-et, -ct); n.arc(et, ct, e * .35514, 0, b + 8 * c, !1); n.rotate(-ot); t = n.createLinearGradient(0, .107476 * st, 0, .897195 * st); t.addColorStop(0, "#000000"); t.addColorStop(.22, "#333333"); t.addColorStop(.76, "#333333"); t.addColorStop(1, "#cccccc"); n.strokeStyle = t; n.stroke(); n.restore(); n.save(); n.lineWidth = h * .075; n.beginPath(); n.translate(et, ct); n.rotate(ot - 4 * c); n.translate(-et, -ct); n.arc(et, ct, e * .35514, 0, b + 8 * c, !1); n.rotate(-ot); r = n.createLinearGradient(0, .112149 * st, 0, .892523 * st); r.addColorStop(0, "#111111"); r.addColorStop(1, "#333333"); n.strokeStyle = r; n.stroke(); n.restore(); var f = (e * .116822 + e * .060747) / 2, o = (e * .485981 + e * .023364) / 2, u = n.createRadialGradient(f, o, 0, f, o, .030373 * e); for (u.addColorStop(0, "#3c3c3c"), u.addColorStop(1, "#323232"), i = 0, i = 0; i <= ti; i += 5) n.save(), n.translate(et, ct), n.rotate(i * c + wi), n.translate(-et, -ct), n.beginPath(), n.rect(e * .116822, e * .485981, e * .060747, e * .023364), n.closePath(), n.fillStyle = u, n.fill(), n.restore(); n.restore() }, ie = function(n, t) { n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(0, 0, n.canvas.width, n.canvas.height); n.closePath(); var r = n.canvas.width / 2, u = n.canvas.height / 2, i = p.createRadialGradient(r, u, 0, r, u, n.canvas.width / 2); i.addColorStop(0, t.light.getRgbaColor()); i.addColorStop(1, t.dark.getRgbaColor()); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.restore() }, be = function(n, t) { n.save(); n.textAlign = "right"; n.strokeStyle = pi.textColor; n.fillStyle = pi.textColor; (pi === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD || pi === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD_GREEN) && (n.shadowColor = "gray", n.shadowOffsetX = e * .007, n.shadowOffsetY = e * .007, n.shadowBlur = e * .007); n.font = ue ? he : se; n.fillText(t.toFixed(pu), ff + tr - tr * .05, ef + eu * .5 + fu * .38, tr * .9); n.restore() }, ke = function(n, t) { var h = ot, r = kt * br, u, w = Math.ceil(e * .04), c = f, v = kr - 1, p = e * .28, a = e * .1, b = parseFloat(l.toFixed(2)), y; for (yi.labelColor.setAlpha(1), n.save(), n.textAlign = "center", n.textBaseline = "middle", n.font = w + "px " + s, n.strokeStyle = yi.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.fillStyle = yi.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.translate(et, ct), n.rotate(ot), (hi.type === "type1" || hi.type === "type2") && (a = e * .0375), y = f; parseFloat(y.toFixed(2)) <= b; y += br) { if (u = +r + i, v++, v === kr) { n.save(); n.translate(p, 0); switch (ee.type) { case "horizontal": u = -h; break; case "tangent": u = h <= i + o ? o : 0; break; case "normal": default: u = i } n.rotate(u); switch (t.format) { case "fractional": n.fillText(c.toFixed(wu), 0, 0, a); break; case "scientific": n.fillText(c.toPrecision(2), 0, 0, a); break; case "standard": default: n.fillText(c.toFixed(0), 0, 0, a) } n.translate(-p, 0); n.restore(); c += ri; v = 0; n.rotate(r); h += r; continue } n.rotate(r); h += r } n.translate(-et, -ct); n.restore() }, or = function(n) { n ? rf = setInterval(ge, 1e3) : (clearInterval(rf), di = si) }, de = function(n) { n ? ru = setInterval(no, 1e3) : (clearInterval(ru), yt = dt) }, ge = function() { gr && (di = di === ki ? si : ki, vi || (vi = !0, v(uf.repaint))) }, no = function() { tu && (yt = yt === ii ? dt : ii, vi || (vi = !0, v(uf.repaint))) }; return this.setValue = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < f ? f : n > l ? l : n; return ft !== t && (ft = t, ft >= gt && !rt && ni || ft <= gt && !rt && !ni ? (rt = !0, or(rt), gi && li.play()) : (ft < gt && rt && ni || ft > gt && rt && !ni) && (rt = !1, or(rt), gi && li.pause()), this.repaint()), this }, this.getValue = function() { return ft }, this.setValueAnimated = function(n, t) { n = parseFloat(n); var r = n < f ? f : n > l ? l : n, u = this, i; return ft !== r && (undefined !== ai && ai.isPlaying && ai.stop(), i = tf * Math.abs(r - ft) / (l - f), i = Math.max(i, tf / 5), ai = new Tween({}, "", Tween.regularEaseInOut, ft, r, i), ai.onMotionChanged = function(n) { ft = n.target._pos; ft >= gt && !rt && ni || ft <= gt && !rt && !ni ? (rt = !0, or(rt), gi && li.play()) : (ft < gt && rt && ni || ft > gt && rt && !ni) && (rt = !1, or(rt), gi && li.pause()); vi || (vi = !0, v(u.repaint)) }, t && typeof t == "function" && (ai.onMotionFinished = t), ai.start()), this }, this.setFrameDesign = function(n) { return lt({ frame: !0 }), lu = n, ut({ frame: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setBackgroundColor = function(n) { return lt({ background: !0, led: !0 }), yi = n, ut({ background: !0, led: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setForegroundType = function(n) { return lt({ foreground: !0 }), ku = n, ut({ foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setValueColor = function(n) { return lt({ value: !0 }), sr = n, ut({ value: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLedColor = function(n) { return lt({ led: !0 }), dr = n, ut({ led: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedColor = function(n) { return lt({ userLed: !0 }), nu = n, ut({ userLed: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.toggleUserLed = function() { return yt = yt === ii ? dt : ii, this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedOnOff = function(n) { return yt = !0 === n ? ii : dt, this.repaint(), this }, this.blinkUserLed = function(n) { return n ? cr || (de(!0), cr = !0) : cr && (clearInterval(ru), cr = !1), this }, this.setLedVisible = function(n) { return gr = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setUserLedVisible = function(n) { return tu = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdColor = function(n) { return pi = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdDecimals = function(n) { return pu = parseInt(n, 10), this.repaint(), this }, this.setSection = function(n) { return ci = n, ut(), this.repaint(), this }, this.setSectionActive = function(n) { return su = n, ut(), this.repaint(), this }, this.setGradient = function(n) { return nr = n, ut(), this.repaint(), this }, this.setGradientActive = function(n) { return nf = n, ut(), this.repaint(), this }, this.setMinValue = function(n) { return f = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.getMinValue = function() { return f }, this.setMaxValue = function(n) { return l = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.getMaxValue = function() { return l }, this.setThreshold = function(n) { n = parseFloat(n); var t = n < f ? f : n > l ? l : n; return gt = t, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setThresholdRising = function(n) { return ni = !!n, rt = !rt, or(rt), this.repaint(), this }, this.setTitleString = function(n) { return hu = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setUnitString = function(n) { return cu = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setTrend = function(n) { return hf = n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setTrendVisible = function(n) { return iu = !!n, this.repaint(), this }, this.setFractionalScaleDecimals = function(n) { wu = parseInt(n, 10); lt({ background: !0 }); ut({ background: !0 }); this.repaint() }, this.setLabelNumberFormat = function(n) { return bu = n, lt({ background: !0 }), ut({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.repaint = function() { var s = (ft - f) / (l - f) * ti, t, u = sr, n, i, e, o, r; for (ne || ut({ frame: !0, background: !0, led: !0, userLed: !0, value: !0, trend: !0, foreground: !0 }), p.clearRect(0, 0, h, h), au && p.drawImage(ir, 0, 0), p.drawImage(rr, 0, 0), n = 0; n <= s; n += 5) { if (t = sr, uu) e = f + n / ti * (l - f), o = nr.getEnd() - nr.getStart(), r = (e - f) / o, r = Math.max(Math.min(r, 1), 0), t = ei(nr.getColorAt(r).getRgbaColor()); else if (lr) for (i = 0; i < bi.length; i++) if (n >= bi[i].start && n < bi[i].stop) { t = bi[i].color; break } u.medium.getHexColor() !== t.medium.getHexColor() && (ie(ou, t), u = t); p.save(); p.translate(et, ct); p.rotate(n * c + wi); p.translate(-et, -ct); p.drawImage(ur, ce, le); p.restore() } if (yu && be(p, ft), gr && p.drawImage(di, of, sf), tu && p.drawImage(yt, ae, ve), iu) switch (hf.state) { case "up": p.drawImage(bf, vr, yr); break; case "steady": p.drawImage(kf, vr, yr); break; case "down": p.drawImage(df, vr, yr); break; case "off": p.drawImage(gf, vr, yr) } du && p.drawImage(fr, 0, 0); vi = !1 }, this.repaint(), this }, li = function(n, t) { t = t || {}; var l = undefined === t.width ? 0 : t.width, a = undefined === t.height ? 0 : t.height, y = undefined === t.lcdColor ? steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD : t.lcdColor, bt = undefined === t.lcdDecimals ? 2 : t.lcdDecimals, nt = undefined === t.unitString ? "" : t.unitString, tt = undefined === t.unitStringVisible ? !1 : t.unitStringVisible, kt = undefined === t.headerString ? "" : t.headerString, ut = undefined === t.headerStringVisible ? !1 : t.headerStringVisible, ft = undefined === t.digitalFont ? !1 : t.digitalFont, gt = undefined === t.valuesNumeric ? !0 : t.valuesNumeric, p = undefined === t.value ? 0 : t.value, ni = undefined === t.alwaysScroll ? !1 : t.alwaysScroll, et = undefined === t.autoScroll ? !1 : t.autoScroll, u = undefined === t.section ? null : t.section, c = !1, o = 0, b, k = !1, ti = this, i = ht(n); l === 0 && (l = i.canvas.width); a === 0 && (a = i.canvas.height); i.canvas.width = l; i.canvas.height = a; var e = l, f = a, h = 0, w = Math.floor(f / 1.5), ct = w + "px " + s, lt = w + "px " + wt, at = !1, vt, yt = [], pt = [], ii = function(n, t) { var l, a, r; i.save(); i.textAlign = "right"; i.strokeStyle = t; i.fillStyle = t; i.beginPath(); i.rect(2, 0, e - 4, f); i.closePath(); i.clip(); (y === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD || y === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD_GREEN) && u === null && (i.shadowColor = "gray", i.shadowOffsetX = f * .035, i.shadowOffsetY = f * .035, i.shadowBlur = f * .055); i.font = ft ? lt : ct; gt ? (l = 0, h = 0, tt && (i.font = Math.floor(f / 2.5) + "px " + s, l = i.measureText(nt).width), i.font = ft ? lt : ct, a = n.toFixed(bt), h = i.measureText(a).width, r = .38, ut && (r = .52), i.fillText(a, e - l - 4 - o, f * .5 + w * r), tt && (i.font = Math.floor(f / 2.5) + "px " + s, i.fillText(nt, e - 2 - o, f * .5 + w * r)), ut && (i.textAlign = "center", i.font = Math.floor(f / 3.5) + "px " + s, i.fillText(kt, e / 2, f * .3))) : (h = i.measureText(n).width, ni || et && h > e - 4 ? c || (o = h > e * .8 ? e - h - e * .2 : 0, c = !0, clearTimeout(b), b = setTimeout(d, 200)) : et && h <= e - 4 && (o = 0, c = !1), i.fillText(n, e - 2 - o, f * .5 + w * .38)); i.restore() }, ri = function(n, t, i, u) { var tt = r(n, t), f = tt.getContext("2d"); f.save(); var h = 0, et = n, it = t, ut = Math.min(n, t) * .095, s = f.createLinearGradient(0, h, 0, h + it); s.addColorStop(0, "#4c4c4c"); s.addColorStop(.08, "#666666"); s.addColorStop(.92, "#666666"); s.addColorStop(1, "#e6e6e6"); f.fillStyle = s; dt(f, 0, h, et, it, ut); f.fill(); f.restore(); f.save(); var c = rt(i), e = ot(c[0], c[1], c[2]), l = rt(u.gradientStartColor), ht = ot(l[0], l[1], l[2]), a = rt(u.gradientFraction1Color), ct = ot(a[0], a[1], a[2]), v = rt(u.gradientFraction2Color), lt = ot(v[0], v[1], v[2]), y = rt(u.gradientFraction3Color), at = ot(y[0], y[1], y[2]), p = rt(u.gradientStopColor), vt = ot(p[0], p[1], p[2]), w = st(e[0], e[1], ht[2] - .31), b = st(e[0], e[1], ct[2] - .31), k = st(e[0], e[1], lt[2] - .31), d = st(e[0], e[1], at[2] - .31), g = st(e[0], e[1], vt[2] - .31), nt = 1, yt = n - 2, ft = t - 2, pt = ut - 1, o = f.createLinearGradient(0, nt, 0, nt + ft); return o.addColorStop(0, "rgb(" + w[0] + ", " + w[1] + ", " + w[2] + ")"), o.addColorStop(.03, "rgb(" + b[0] + "," + b[1] + "," + b[2] + ")"), o.addColorStop(.49, "rgb(" + k[0] + "," + k[1] + "," + k[2] + ")"), o.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(" + d[0] + "," + d[1] + "," + d[2] + ")"), o.addColorStop(1, "rgb(" + g[0] + "," + g[1] + "," + g[2] + ")"), f.fillStyle = o, dt(f, 1, nt, yt, ft, pt), f.fill(), f.restore(), tt }, ui = function(n) { var t = rt(n), r = ot(t[0], t[1], t[2]), i = st(r[0], .57, .83); return "rgb(" + i[0] + ", " + i[1] + ", " + i[2] + ")" }, d = function() { c ? (o > e && (o = -h), o += 2, b = setTimeout(d, 50)) : o = 0; k || (k = !0, v(ti.repaint)) }, g = function() { var n; if (at = !0, vt = it(l, a, y), null !== u && 0 < u.length) for (n = 0; n < u.length; n++) yt[n] = ri(l, a, u[n].color, y), pt[n] = ui(u[n].color) }; return this.setValue = function(n) { return p !== n && (p = n, this.repaint()), this }, this.setLcdColor = function(n) { return y = n, g(), this.repaint(), this }, this.setSection = function(n) { return u = n, g({ background: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setScrolling = function(n) { if (n) { if (c) return; c = n; d() } else c = n; return this }, this.repaint = function() { at || g(); i.clearRect(0, 0, i.canvas.width, i.canvas.height); var t = vt, r = y.textColor, n; if (null !== u && 0 < u.length) for (n = 0; n < u.length; n++) if (p >= u[n].start && p <= u[n].stop) { t = yt[n]; r = pt[n]; break } i.drawImage(t, 0, 0); ii(p, r); k = !1 }, this.repaint(), this }, ai = function(n, u) { u = u || {}; var o = undefined === u.size ? 0 : u.size, hi = undefined === u.frameDesign ? steelseries.FrameDesign.METAL : u.frameDesign, ci = undefined === u.frameVisible ? !0 : u.frameVisible, rt = undefined === u.backgroundColor ? steelseries.BackgroundColor.DARK_GRAY : u.backgroundColor, li = undefined === u.backgroundVisible ? !0 : u.backgroundVisible, dt = undefined === u.pointerTypeLatest ? steelseries.PointerType.TYPE1 : u.pointerTypeLatest, ai = undefined === u.pointerTypeAverage ? steelseries.PointerType.TYPE8 : u.pointerTypeAverage, ii = undefined === u.pointerColor ? steelseries.ColorDef.RED : u.pointerColor, ri = undefined === u.pointerColorAverage ? steelseries.ColorDef.BLUE : u.pointerColorAverage, ar = undefined === u.knobType ? steelseries.KnobType.STANDARD_KNOB : u.knobType, vr = undefined === u.knobStyle ? steelseries.KnobStyle.SILVER : u.knobStyle, vi = undefined === u.foregroundType ? steelseries.ForegroundType.TYPE1 : u.foregroundType, yi = undefined === u.foregroundVisible ? !0 : u.foregroundVisible, h = undefined === u.pointSymbols ? ["N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"] : u.pointSymbols, yr = undefined === u.pointSymbolsVisible ? !0 : u.pointSymbolsVisible, pr = undefined === u.customLayer ? null : u.customLayer, wr = undefined === u.degreeScale ? !0 : u.degreeScale, ui = undefined === u.degreeScaleHalf ? !1 : u.degreeScaleHalf, wi = undefined === u.roseVisible ? !1 : u.roseVisible, lt = undefined === u.lcdColor ? steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD : u.lcdColor, bi = undefined === u.lcdVisible ? !0 : u.lcdVisible, br = undefined === u.digitalFont ? !1 : u.digitalFont, et = undefined === u.section ? null : u.section, ot = undefined === u.area ? null : u.area, gt = undefined === u.lcdTitleStrings ? ["Latest", "Average"] : u.lcdTitleStrings, ki = undefined === u.titleString ? "" : u.titleString, di = undefined === u.useColorLabels ? !1 : u.useColorLabels, ni = undefined === u.fullScaleDeflectionTime ? 2.5 : u.fullScaleDeflectionTime, st, ct, y = 0, p = 0, at = c, gi = this.valueLatest, fi = this.valueAverage, kr = -i, nr = t, tr = 360, l = !1, e = ht(n); o === 0 && (o = Math.min(e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height)); e.canvas.width = o; e.canvas.height = o; var f = o, w = o, b = f / 2, k = w / 2, ei = Math.floor(f / 10), dr = ei + "px " + s, gr = ei + "px " + wt, ti = f * .3, ir = w * .12, rr = (f - ti) / 2, ur = w * .32, fr = w * .565, er = !1, vt = r(o, o), ut = vt.getContext("2d"), oi, yt = r(o, o), or = yt.getContext("2d"), pt = r(o, o), sr = pt.getContext("2d"), kt = r(o, o), hr = kt.getContext("2d"), cr = function(n, t) { for (e.save(), e.textAlign = "center", e.strokeStyle = lt.textColor, e.fillStyle = lt.textColor; n < -180;) n += 360; !ui && n < 0 && (n += 360); ui && n > 180 && (n = -(360 - n)); n >= 0 ? (n = "00" + Math.round(n), n = n.substring(n.length, n.length - 3)) : (n = "00" + Math.abs(Math.round(n)), n = "-" + n.substring(n.length, n.length - 3)); (lt === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD || lt === steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD_GREEN) && (e.shadowColor = "gray", e.shadowOffsetX = f * .007, e.shadowOffsetY = f * .007, e.shadowBlur = f * .007); e.font = br ? gr : dr; e.fillText(n + "°", f / 2 + ti * .05, (t ? ur : fr) + ir * .5 + ei * .38, ti * .9); e.restore() }, lr = function(n, t, i, r, u) { n.save(); n.strokeStyle = r; n.fillStyle = r; n.lineWidth = f * .035; var e = nr / tr * t, o = e + (i - t) / (tr / nr); n.translate(b, k); n.rotate(kr); n.beginPath(); u ? (n.moveTo(0, 0), n.arc(0, 0, f * .365 - n.lineWidth / 2, e, o, !1)) : n.arc(0, 0, f * .365, e, o, !1); u ? (n.moveTo(0, 0), n.fill()) : n.stroke(); n.translate(-b, -k); n.restore() }, nu = function(n) { var l = f * .38, a = f * .35, p = f * .36, c = f * .1, v = f * .31, u = f * .36, r, e, t, o, y; if (n.textAlign = "center", n.textBaseline = "middle", n.save(), n.strokeStyle = rt.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.fillStyle = rt.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.translate(b, k), wr) for (r = Math.floor(.1 * f) + "px serif bold", e = Math.floor(f * .04) + "px " + s, n.rotate(at * 5), t = 5; 360 >= t; t += 5) { if (n.save(), yr) switch (t) { case 360: n.translate(u, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[2], 0, 0, c); n.translate(-u, 0); break; case 90: n.translate(u, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[4], 0, 0, c); n.translate(-u, 0); break; case 180: n.translate(u, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[6], 0, 0, c); n.translate(-u, 0); break; case 270: n.translate(u, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[0], 0, 0, c); n.translate(-u, 0); break; case 5: case 85: case 95: case 175: case 185: case 265: case 275: case 355: break; default: (t + 90) % 20 ? (n.lineWidth = (t + 90) % 5 ? 1.5 : 1, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(l, 0), y = (t + 90) % 10 ? p : a, n.lineTo(y, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke()) : (n.lineWidth = 1.5, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(l, 0), n.lineTo(a, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke(), o = (t + 90) % 360, n.translate(v, 0), n.rotate(i), n.font = e, n.fillText("0".substring(o >= 100) + o, 0, 0, c), n.translate(-v, 0)) } else(t + 90) % 20 ? (n.lineWidth = (t + 90) % 5 ? 1.5 : 1, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(l, 0), y = (t + 90) % 10 ? p : a, n.lineTo(y, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke()) : (n.lineWidth = 1.5, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(l, 0), n.lineTo(a, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke(), o = (t + 90) % 360, ui && o > 180 && (o = -(360 - o)), n.translate(v, 0), n.rotate(i), n.font = e, n.fillText(o, 0, 0, c), n.translate(-v, 0)); n.restore(); n.rotate(at * 5) } else for (r = .12 * f + "px serif", e = .06 * f + "px serif", n.lineWidth = 1, n.strokeStyle = rt.symbolColor.getRgbaColor(), t = 0; 360 > t; t += 2.5) { 0 == t % 5 && (n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(f * .38, 0), n.lineTo(f * .36, 0), n.closePath(), n.stroke()); n.save(); switch (t) { case 0: n.translate(f * .35, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[2], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .35, 0); break; case 45: n.translate(f * .29, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = e; n.fillText(h[3], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .29, 0); break; case 90: n.translate(f * .35, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[4], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .35, 0); break; case 135: n.translate(f * .29, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = e; n.fillText(h[5], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .29, 0); break; case 180: n.translate(f * .35, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[6], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .35, 0); break; case 225: n.translate(f * .29, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = e; n.fillText(h[7], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .29, 0); break; case 270: n.translate(f * .35, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = r; n.fillText(h[0], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .35, 0); break; case 315: n.translate(f * .29, 0); n.rotate(i); n.font = e; n.fillText(h[1], 0, 0); n.translate(-f * .29, 0) } n.restore(); wi && (0 === t || 22.5 === t || 45 === t || 67.5 === t || 90 === t || 112.5 === t || 135 === t || 157.5 === t || 180 === t || 202.5 === t || 225 === t || 247.5 === t || 270 === t || 292.5 === t || 315 === t || 337.5 === t || 360 === t) && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), t % 45 ? n.moveTo(f * .29, 0) : n.moveTo(f * .38, 0), n.lineTo(f * .1, 0), n.closePath(), n.restore(), n.stroke()); n.rotate(at * 2.5) } n.translate(-b, -k); n.restore() }, tu = function(n) { gt.length > 0 && (n.save(), n.textAlign = "center", n.textBaseline = "middle", n.fillStyle = di ? ii.medium.getRgbaColor() : rt.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.font = .04 * f + "px " + s, n.fillText(gt[0], f / 2, w * .29, f * .3), n.fillStyle = di ? ri.medium.getRgbaColor() : rt.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.fillText(gt[1], f / 2, w * .71, f * .3), ki.length > 0 && (n.fillStyle = rt.labelColor.getRgbaColor(), n.font = .0467 * f + "px " + s, n.fillText(ki, f / 2, w * .5, f * .3))) }, a = function(n) { var t, i, u; n = n || {}; var r = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, e = undefined === n.pointer ? !1 : n.pointer, o = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground; if (er = !0, r && ci && g(ut, hi, b, k, f, w), r && li) { if (nt(ut, rt, b, k, f, w), bt(ut, pr, b, k, f, w), null !== et && 0 < et.length) { t = et.length; do t--, lr(ut, et[t].start, et[t].stop, et[t].color, !1); while (0 < t) } if (null !== ot && 0 < ot.length) { i = ot.length; do i--, lr(ut, ot[i].start, ot[i].stop, ot[i].color, !0); while (0 < i) } nu(ut) } r && wi && pi(ut, b, k, f, w, rt); r && bi && (oi = it(ti, ir, lt), ut.drawImage(oi, rr, ur), ut.drawImage(oi, rr, fr), tu(ut)); e && (ft(sr, f, ai, ri, rt.labelColor), ft(or, f, dt, ii, rt.labelColor)); o && yi && (u = dt.type === "type15" || dt.type === "type16" ? !1 : !0, tt(hr, vi, f, w, u, ar, vr)) }, d = function(n) { n = n || {}; var t = undefined === n.background ? !1 : n.background, i = undefined === n.pointer ? !1 : n.pointer, r = undefined === n.foreground ? !1 : n.foreground; t && (vt.width = o, vt.height = o, ut = vt.getContext("2d")); i && (yt.width = o, yt.height = o, or = yt.getContext("2d"), pt.width = o, pt.height = o, sr = pt.getContext("2d")); r && (kt.width = o, kt.height = o, hr = kt.getContext("2d")) }; return this.setValueLatest = function(n) { return n = parseFloat(n), n = n === 360 ? 360 : n % 360, y !== n && (y = n, this.repaint()), this }, this.getValueLatest = function() { return y }, this.setValueAverage = function(n) { return n = parseFloat(n), n = n === 360 ? 360 : n % 360, p !== n && (p = n, this.repaint()), this }, this.getValueAverage = function() { return p }, this.setValueAnimatedLatest = function(n, t) { var i, f = this, r, u; return n = parseFloat(n), i = n === 360 ? 360 : n % 360, y !== i && (undefined !== st && st.isPlaying && st.stop(), r = si(y, i), r !== 0 ? (u = ni * Math.abs(r) / 180, u = Math.max(u, ni / 5), st = new Tween({}, "", Tween.regularEaseInOut, y, y + r, u), st.onMotionChanged = function(n) { y = n.target._pos === 360 ? 360 : n.target._pos % 360; l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)) }, st.onMotionFinished = function() { y = i; l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)); t && typeof t == "function" && t() }, st.start()) : (y = i, l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)))), this }, this.setValueAnimatedAverage = function(n, t) { var i, f = this, r, u; return n = parseFloat(n), i = n === 360 ? 360 : n % 360, p !== n && (undefined !== ct && ct.isPlaying && ct.stop(), r = si(p, i), r !== 0 ? (u = ni * Math.abs(r) / 180, u = Math.max(u, ni / 5), ct = new Tween({}, "", Tween.regularEaseInOut, p, p + r, u), ct.onMotionChanged = function(n) { p = n.target._pos === 360 ? 360 : n.target._pos % 360; l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)) }, ct.onMotionFinished = function() { p = i; l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)); t && typeof t == "function" && t() }, ct.start()) : (p = i, l || (l = !0, v(f.repaint)))), this }, this.setArea = function(n) { return ot = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setSection = function(n) { return et = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setFrameDesign = function(n) { return hi = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setBackgroundColor = function(n) { return rt = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setForegroundType = function(n) { return d({ foreground: !0 }), vi = n, a({ foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerColor = function(n) { return d({ pointer: !0 }), ii = n, a({ pointer: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerColorAverage = function(n) { return d({ pointer: !0 }), ri = n, a({ pointer: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerType = function(n) { return dt = n, d({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), a({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointerTypeAverage = function(n) { return ai = n, d({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), a({ pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setPointSymbols = function(n) { return h = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdColor = function(n) { return lt = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.setLcdTitleStrings = function(n) { return gt = n, d({ background: !0 }), a({ background: !0 }), this.repaint(), this }, this.repaint = function() { er || a({ frame: !0, background: !0, led: !0, pointer: !0, foreground: !0 }); e.clearRect(0, 0, e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height); (ci || li) && e.drawImage(vt, 0, 0); bi && (cr(y, !0), cr(p, !1)); fi = p * at; var n = f * .006; e.save(); e.translate(b, k); e.rotate(fi); e.translate(-b, -k); e.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; e.shadowOffsetX = e.shadowOffsetY = n; e.shadowBlur = n * 2; e.drawImage(pt, 0, 0); gi = y * at - fi; e.translate(b, k); e.rotate(gi); e.translate(-b, -k); e.drawImage(yt, 0, 0); e.restore(); yi && e.drawImage(kt, 0, 0); l = !1 }, this.repaint(), this }, vi = function(n, t) { var c, f, o, u, s; t = t || {}; var i = undefined === t.size ? 0 : t.size, v = undefined === t.ledColor ? steelseries.LedColor.RED_LED : t.ledColor, h = !1, y = 0, r = ht(n); i === 0 && (i = Math.min(r.canvas.width, r.canvas.height)); r.canvas.width = i; r.canvas.height = i; c = !1; f = d.createElement("canvas"); f.width = i; f.height = i; o = f.getContext("2d"); u = d.createElement("canvas"); u.width = i; u.height = i; var l = u.getContext("2d"), e = u, p = function() { c = !0; o.clearRect(0, 0, o.canvas.width, o.canvas.height); o.drawImage(a(i, 1, v), 0, 0); l.clearRect(0, 0, l.canvas.width, l.canvas.height); l.drawImage(a(i, 0, v), 0, 0) }; return this.toggleLed = function() { return e = e === f ? u : f, s(), this }, this.setLedColor = function(n) { return v = n, c = !1, s(), this }, this.setLedOnOff = function(n) { return e = n ? f : u, s(), this }, this.blink = function(n) { return n ? h || (y = setInterval(this.toggleLed, 1e3), h = !0) : h && (clearInterval(y), h = !1, e = u), this }, s = function() { c || p(); r.save(); r.clearRect(0, 0, r.canvas.width, r.canvas.height); r.drawImage(e, 0, 0); r.restore() }, s(), this }, yi = function(n, t) { function pt() { var t, n; for (st = !0, p.rect(0, 0, l, e), t = p.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, e), t.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"), t.addColorStop(.1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"), t.addColorStop(.33, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45)"), t.addColorStop(.46, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"), t.addColorStop(.9, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"), t.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"), p.fillStyle = t, p.fill(), i.rect(0, 0, f, s * 1.1), i.fillStyle = vt, i.fill(), i.strokeStyle = "#f0f0f0", i.lineWidth = "1px", i.moveTo(0, 0), i.lineTo(0, s * 1.1), i.stroke(), i.strokeStyle = "#202020", i.moveTo(f, 0), i.lineTo(f, s * 1.1), i.stroke(), i.textAlign = "center", i.textBaseline = "middle", i.font = g, i.fillStyle = yt, n = 9; n < 21; n++) i.fillText(n % 10, f * .5, h * (n - 9) + h / 2); if (a > 0) for (u.rect(0, 0, f, s * 1.1), u.fillStyle = ct, u.fill(), u.strokeStyle = "#f0f0f0", u.lineWidth = "1px", u.moveTo(0, 0), u.lineTo(0, s * 1.1), u.stroke(), u.strokeStyle = "#202020", u.moveTo(f, 0), u.lineTo(f, s * 1.1), u.stroke(), u.textAlign = "center", u.textBaseline = "middle", u.font = g, u.fillStyle = lt, n = 9; n < 21; n++) u.fillText(n % 10, f * .5, h * (n - 9) + h / 2); for (n = 0; n < b + a; n++) tt[n] = Math.random() * ot * e - ot * e / 2 } function wt() { for (var u = 1, e = o, i, t, r, s, n = 0; n < a; n++) e *= 10; for (t = Math.floor(e), r = e - t, t = String(t), s = 9, n = 0; n < a + b; n++) i = +t.substring(t.length - n - 1, t.length - n) || 0, s !== 9 && (r = 0), n < a ? w.drawImage(ft, l - f * u, -(h * (i + r) + nt + tt[n])) : w.drawImage(ut, l - f * u, -(h * (i + r) + nt + tt[n])), u++, s = i } t = t || {}; var et = undefined === t._context ? null : t._context, e = undefined === t.height ? 0 : t.height, b = undefined === t.digits ? 6 : t.digits, a = undefined === t.decimals ? 1 : t.decimals, ct = undefined === t.decimalBackColor ? "#F0F0F0" : t.decimalBackColor, lt = undefined === t.decimalForeColor ? "#F01010" : t.decimalForeColor, at = undefined === t.font ? "sans-serif" : t.font, o = undefined === t.value ? 0 : t.value, vt = undefined === t.valueBackColor ? "#050505" : t.valueBackColor, yt = undefined === t.valueForeColor ? "#F8F8F8" : t.valueForeColor, ot = undefined === t.wobbleFactor ? .07 : t.wobbleFactor, st = !1, c, y, k = !1, d, f, g, l, s, h, nt, tt = [], it, w, rt, p, ut, i, ft, u; y = et ? et : ht(n); e === 0 && (e = y.canvas.height); o < 0 && (o = 0); d = Math.floor(e * .85); g = "600 " + d + "px " + at; f = Math.floor(e * .68); l = f * (b + a); s = d * 11; h = s / 12; nt = h * .81; y.canvas.width = l; y.canvas.height = e; it = r(l, e); w = it.getContext("2d"); rt = r(l, e); p = rt.getContext("2d"); ut = r(f, s * 1.1); i = ut.getContext("2d"); ft = r(f, s * 1.1); u = ft.getContext("2d"); this.setValueAnimated = function(n, t) { var i = this; return n = parseFloat(n), n < 0 && (n = 0), o !== n && (undefined !== c && c.isPlaying && c.stop(), c = new Tween({}, "", Tween.strongEaseOut, o, n, 2), c.onMotionChanged = function(n) { o = n.target._pos; k || (k = !0, v(i.repaint)) }, t && typeof t == "function" && (c.onMotionFinished = t), c.start()), this.repaint(), this }; this.setValue = function(n) { return o = parseFloat(n), o < 0 && (o = 0), this.repaint(), this }; this.getValue = function() { return o }; this.repaint = function() { st || pt(); wt(); w.drawImage(rt, 0, 0); y.drawImage(it, 0, 0); k = !1 }; this.repaint() }, pi = function(n, i, r, u, f, e) { var l = !0, o, s, h = e.symbolColor.getRgbaColor(); for (n.save(), n.lineWidth = 1, n.fillStyle = h, n.strokeStyle = h, n.translate(i, r), o = 0; o < 360; o += 15) l = !l, n.beginPath(), n.arc(0, 0, u * .26, o * c, (o + 15) * c, !1), n.arc(0, 0, u * .23, (o + 15) * c, o * c, !0), n.closePath(), l && n.fill(), n.stroke(); for (n.translate(-i, -r), o = 0; 360 >= o; o += 90) n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(u * .560747, f * .584112), n.lineTo(u * .640186, f * .644859), n.lineTo(u * .584112, f * .560747), n.lineTo(u * .560747, f * .584112), n.closePath(), n.fillStyle = h, n.fill(), n.stroke(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(u * .523364, f * .397196), n.lineTo(u * .5, f * .196261), n.lineTo(u * .471962, f * .397196), n.lineTo(u * .523364, f * .397196), n.closePath(), s = n.createLinearGradient(.476635 * u, 0, .518691 * u, 0), s.addColorStop(0, "rgb(222, 223, 218)"), s.addColorStop(.48, "rgb(222, 223, 218)"), s.addColorStop(.49, h), s.addColorStop(1, h), n.fillStyle = s, n.fill(), n.stroke(), n.translate(i, r), n.rotate(o * c), n.translate(-i, -r); n.beginPath(); n.translate(i, r); n.arc(0, 0, u * .1, 0, t, !1); n.lineWidth = u * .022; n.stroke(); n.translate(-i, -r); n.restore() }, ft = function(n, i, u, f, e) { var c, o, s, h, l = i.toString() + u.type + f.light.getHexColor() + f.medium.getHexColor(); if (!ft.cache[l]) { c = r(i, i); o = c.getContext("2d"); switch (u.type) { case "type2": s = o.createLinearGradient(0, i * .471962, 0, i * .130841); s.addColorStop(0, e.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.36, e.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.361, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.light.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .518691, i * .471962); o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .462616); o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .341121); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .341121); o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .462616); o.lineTo(i * .481308, i * .471962); o.closePath(); o.fill(); break; case "type3": o.beginPath(); o.rect(i * .495327, i * .130841, i * .009345, i * .373831); o.closePath(); o.fillStyle = f.light.getRgbaColor(); o.fill(); break; case "type4": s = o.createLinearGradient(.467289 * i, 0, .528036 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, f.dark.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.51, f.dark.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.52, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.light.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .5, i * .126168); o.lineTo(i * .514018, i * .135514); o.lineTo(i * .53271, i * .5); o.lineTo(i * .523364, i * .602803); o.lineTo(i * .476635, i * .602803); o.lineTo(i * .467289, i * .5); o.lineTo(i * .485981, i * .135514); o.lineTo(i * .5, i * .126168); o.closePath(); o.fill(); break; case "type5": s = o.createLinearGradient(.471962 * i, 0, .528036 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .5, i * .495327); o.lineTo(i * .528037, i * .495327); o.lineTo(i * .5, i * .149532); o.lineTo(i * .471962, i * .495327); o.lineTo(i * .5, i * .495327); o.closePath(); o.fill(); o.lineWidth = 1; o.lineCap = "square"; o.lineJoin = "miter"; o.strokeStyle = f.dark.getRgbaColor(); o.stroke(); break; case "type6": o.fillStyle = f.medium.getRgbaColor(); o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .481308, i * .485981); o.lineTo(i * .481308, i * .392523); o.lineTo(i * .485981, i * .317757); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .514018, i * .317757); o.lineTo(i * .518691, i * .38785); o.lineTo(i * .518691, i * .485981); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .485981); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .38785); o.lineTo(i * .5, i * .317757); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .392523); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .485981); o.lineTo(i * .481308, i * .485981); o.closePath(); o.fill(); break; case "type7": s = o.createLinearGradient(.481308 * i, 0, .518691 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, f.dark.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .490654, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .481308, i * .5); o.lineTo(i * .518691, i * .5); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .130841); o.closePath(); o.fill(); break; case "type8": s = o.createLinearGradient(.471962 * i, 0, .528036 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = f.dark.getRgbaColor(); o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .5, i * .53271); o.lineTo(i * .53271, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .53271, i * .5, i * .509345, i * .457943, i * .5, i * .149532); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .490654, i * .457943, i * .467289, i * .5, i * .467289, i * .5); o.lineTo(i * .5, i * .53271); o.closePath(); o.fill(); o.stroke(); break; case "type9": s = o.createLinearGradient(.471962 * i, 0, .528036 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, "rgb(50, 50, 50)"); s.addColorStop(.5, "#666666"); s.addColorStop(1, "rgb(50, 50, 50)"); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = "#2E2E2E"; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .495327, i * .233644); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .233644); o.lineTo(i * .514018, i * .439252); o.lineTo(i * .485981, i * .439252); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .233644); o.closePath(); o.moveTo(i * .490654, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .471962, i * .471962); o.lineTo(i * .471962, i * .528037); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .471962, i * .528037, i * .476635, i * .602803, i * .476635, i * .602803); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .476635, i * .607476, i * .481308, i * .607476, i * .5, i * .607476); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .518691, i * .607476, i * .523364, i * .607476, i * .523364, i * .602803); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .523364, i * .602803, i * .528037, i * .528037, i * .528037, i * .528037); o.lineTo(i * .528037, i * .471962); o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .130841); o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .130841); o.closePath(); o.fill(); o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .495327, i * .219626); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .219626); o.lineTo(i * .504672, i * .135514); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .135514); o.lineTo(i * .495327, i * .219626); o.closePath(); o.fillStyle = f.medium.getRgbaColor(); o.fill(); break; case "type10": o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .5, i * .149532); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .5, i * .149532, i * .443925, i * .490654, i * .443925, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .443925, i * .53271, i * .467289, i * .556074, i * .5, i * .556074); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .53271, i * .556074, i * .556074, i * .53271, i * .556074, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .556074, i * .490654, i * .5, i * .149532, i * .5, i * .149532); o.closePath(); s = o.createLinearGradient(.471962 * i, 0, .528036 * i, 0); s.addColorStop(0, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = f.medium.getRgbaColor(); o.lineWidth = 1; o.lineCap = "square"; o.lineJoin = "miter"; o.fill(); o.stroke(); break; case "type11": o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(.5 * i, .168224 * i); o.lineTo(.485981 * i, .5 * i); o.bezierCurveTo(.485981 * i, .5 * i, .481308 * i, .584112 * i, .5 * i, .584112 * i); o.bezierCurveTo(.514018 * i, .584112 * i, .509345 * i, .5 * i, .509345 * i, .5 * i); o.lineTo(.5 * i, .168224 * i); o.closePath(); s = o.createLinearGradient(0, .168224 * i, 0, .584112 * i); s.addColorStop(0, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.dark.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = f.dark.getRgbaColor(); o.fill(); o.stroke(); break; case "type12": o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(.5 * i, .168224 * i); o.lineTo(.485981 * i, .5 * i); o.lineTo(.5 * i, .504672 * i); o.lineTo(.509345 * i, .5 * i); o.lineTo(.5 * i, .168224 * i); o.closePath(); s = o.createLinearGradient(0, .168224 * i, 0, .504672 * i); s.addColorStop(0, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.dark.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = f.dark.getRgbaColor(); o.fill(); o.stroke(); break; case "type13": case "type14": o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(.485981 * i, .168224 * i); o.lineTo(.5 * i, .130841 * i); o.lineTo(.509345 * i, .168224 * i); o.lineTo(.509345 * i, .509345 * i); o.lineTo(.485981 * i, .509345 * i); o.lineTo(.485981 * i, .168224 * i); o.closePath(); u.type === "type13" ? (s = o.createLinearGradient(0, .5 * i, 0, .130841 * i), s.addColorStop(0, e.getRgbaColor()), s.addColorStop(.85, e.getRgbaColor()), s.addColorStop(.85, f.medium.getRgbaColor()), s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()), o.fillStyle = s) : (s = o.createLinearGradient(.485981 * i, 0, .509345 * i, 0), s.addColorStop(0, f.veryDark.getRgbaColor()), s.addColorStop(.5, f.light.getRgbaColor()), s.addColorStop(1, f.veryDark.getRgbaColor()), o.fillStyle = s); o.fill(); break; case "type15": case "type16": o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .509345, i * .457943); o.lineTo(i * .5015, i * .13); o.lineTo(i * .4985, i * .13); o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .457943); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .490654, i * .457943, i * .490654, i * .457943, i * .490654, i * .457943); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .471962, i * .462616, i * .457943, i * .481308, i * .457943, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .457943, i * .518691, i * .471962, i * .537383, i * .490654, i * .542056); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .490654, i * .542056, i * .490654, i * .542056, i * .490654, i * .542056); u.type === "type15" ? (o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .57), o.bezierCurveTo(i * .46, i * .58, i * .46, i * .62, i * .490654, i * .63), o.bezierCurveTo(i * .47, i * .62, i * .48, i * .59, i * .5, i * .59), o.bezierCurveTo(i * .53, i * .59, i * .52, i * .62, i * .509345, i * .63), o.bezierCurveTo(i * .54, i * .62, i * .54, i * .58, i * .509345, i * .57), o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .57)) : (o.lineTo(i * .490654, i * .621495), o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .621495)); o.lineTo(i * .509345, i * .542056); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .509345, i * .542056, i * .509345, i * .542056, i * .509345, i * .542056); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .528037, i * .537383, i * .542056, i * .518691, i * .542056, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .542056, i * .481308, i * .528037, i * .462616, i * .509345, i * .457943); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .509345, i * .457943, i * .509345, i * .457943, i * .509345, i * .457943); o.closePath(); s = u.type === "type15" ? o.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, i * .63) : o.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, i * .621495); s.addColorStop(0, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.388888, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.5, f.light.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.611111, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.strokeStyle = f.dark.getRgbaColor(); o.fill(); o.stroke(); o.beginPath(); h = i * .06542 / 2; o.arc(i * .5, i * .5, h, 0, t); s = o.createLinearGradient(i * .5 - h, i * .5 + h, 0, i * .5 + h); s.addColorStop(0, "#e6b35c"); s.addColorStop(.01, "#e6b35c"); s.addColorStop(.99, "#c48200"); s.addColorStop(1, "#c48200"); o.fillStyle = s; o.closePath(); o.fill(); o.beginPath(); h = i * .046728 / 2; o.arc(i * .5, i * .5, h, 0, t); s = o.createRadialGradient(i * .5, i * .5, 0, i * .5, i * .5, h); s.addColorStop(0, "#c5c5c5"); s.addColorStop(.19, "#c5c5c5"); s.addColorStop(.22, "#000000"); s.addColorStop(.8, "#000000"); s.addColorStop(.99, "#707070"); s.addColorStop(1, "#707070"); o.fillStyle = s; o.closePath(); o.fill(); break; case "type1": default: s = o.createLinearGradient(0, i * .471962, 0, i * .130841); s.addColorStop(0, f.veryDark.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.3, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(.59, f.medium.getRgbaColor()); s.addColorStop(1, f.veryDark.getRgbaColor()); o.fillStyle = s; o.beginPath(); o.moveTo(i * .518691, i * .471962); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .514018, i * .457943, i * .509345, i * .415887, i * .509345, i * .401869); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .504672, i * .383177, i * .5, i * .130841, i * .5, i * .130841); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .5, i * .130841, i * .490654, i * .383177, i * .490654, i * .397196); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .490654, i * .415887, i * .485981, i * .457943, i * .481308, i * .471962); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .471962, i * .481308, i * .467289, i * .490654, i * .467289, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .467289, i * .518691, i * .481308, i * .53271, i * .5, i * .53271); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .518691, i * .53271, i * .53271, i * .518691, i * .53271, i * .5); o.bezierCurveTo(i * .53271, i * .490654, i * .528037, i * .481308, i * .518691, i * .471962); o.closePath(); o.fill() } ft.cache[l] = c } return n.drawImage(ft.cache[l], 0, 0), this }, g, nt, bt, tt, l, a, it, et, w, v, e, f, y, ut, ct, vt, ui, gt, b, h, lt, ni, ti, yt; ft.cache = {}; g = function(i, u, f, e, o, s) { var p, h, c, l, a, v, y, w = o.toString() + s + u.design; if (!g.cache[w]) { p = r(o, s); h = p.getContext("2d"); h.fillStyle = "#848484"; h.strokeStyle = "rgba(132, 132, 132, 0.5)"; h.beginPath(); h.arc(f, e, o / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.fill(); h.stroke(); h.beginPath(); h.arc(f, e, o * .990654 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); switch (u.design) { case "metal": c = h.createLinearGradient(0, o * .004672, 0, s * .990654); c.addColorStop(0, "#fefefe"); c.addColorStop(.07, "rgb(210, 210, 210)"); c.addColorStop(.12, "rgb(179, 179, 179)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(213, 213, 213)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "brass": c = h.createLinearGradient(0, o * .004672, 0, s * .990654); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(249, 243, 155)"); c.addColorStop(.05, "rgb(246, 226, 101)"); c.addColorStop(.1, "rgb(240, 225, 132)"); c.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(90, 57, 22)"); c.addColorStop(.9, "rgb(249, 237, 139)"); c.addColorStop(.95, "rgb(243, 226, 108)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(202, 182, 113)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "steel": c = h.createLinearGradient(0, o * .004672, 0, s * .990654); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(231, 237, 237)"); c.addColorStop(.05, "rgb(189, 199, 198)"); c.addColorStop(.1, "rgb(192, 201, 200)"); c.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(23, 31, 33)"); c.addColorStop(.9, "rgb(196, 205, 204)"); c.addColorStop(.95, "rgb(194, 204, 203)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(189, 201, 199)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "gold": c = h.createLinearGradient(0, o * .004672, 0, s * .990654); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(255, 255, 207)"); c.addColorStop(.15, "rgb(255, 237, 96)"); c.addColorStop(.22, "rgb(254, 199, 57)"); c.addColorStop(.3, "rgb(255, 249, 203)"); c.addColorStop(.38, "rgb(255, 199, 64)"); c.addColorStop(.44, "rgb(252, 194, 60)"); c.addColorStop(.51, "rgb(255, 204, 59)"); c.addColorStop(.6, "rgb(213, 134, 29)"); c.addColorStop(.68, "rgb(255, 201, 56)"); c.addColorStop(.75, "rgb(212, 135, 29)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(247, 238, 101)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "anthracite": c = h.createLinearGradient(0, .004672 * s, 0, .995326 * s); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(118, 117, 135)"); c.addColorStop(.06, "rgb(74, 74, 82)"); c.addColorStop(.12, "rgb(50, 50, 54)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(79, 79, 87)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "tiltedGray": c = h.createLinearGradient(.233644 * o, .084112 * s, .81258 * o, .910919 * s); c.addColorStop(0, "#ffffff"); c.addColorStop(.07, "rgb(210, 210, 210)"); c.addColorStop(.16, "rgb(179, 179, 179)"); c.addColorStop(.33, "#ffffff"); c.addColorStop(.55, "#c5c5c5"); c.addColorStop(.79, "#ffffff"); c.addColorStop(1, "#666666"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "tiltedBlack": c = h.createLinearGradient(.228971 * o, .079439 * s, .802547 * o, .898591 * s); c.addColorStop(0, "#666666"); c.addColorStop(.21, "#000000"); c.addColorStop(.47, "#666666"); c.addColorStop(.99, "#000000"); c.addColorStop(1, "#000000"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); break; case "glossyMetal": c = h.createRadialGradient(.5 * o, .5 * s, 0, .5 * o, .5 * o, .5 * o); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(207, 207, 207)"); c.addColorStop(.96, "rgb(205, 204, 205)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(244, 244, 244)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); h.beginPath(); h.arc(.5 * o, .5 * s, .973962 * o / 2, 0, t); h.closePath(); c = h.createLinearGradient(0, s - .971962 * s, 0, .971962 * s); c.addColorStop(0, "rgb(249, 249, 249)"); c.addColorStop(.23, "rgb(200, 195, 191)"); c.addColorStop(.36, "#ffffff"); c.addColorStop(.59, "rgb(29, 29, 29)"); c.addColorStop(.76, "rgb(200, 194, 192)"); c.addColorStop(1, "rgb(209, 209, 209)"); h.fillStyle = c; h.fill(); h.beginPath(); h.arc(.5 * o, .5 * s, .869158 * o / 2, 0, t); h.closePath(); h.fillStyle = "#f6f6f6"; h.fill(); h.beginPath(); h.arc(.5 * o, .5 * s, .85 * o / 2, 0, t); h.closePath(); h.fillStyle = "#333333"; h.fill(); break; case "blackMetal": v = [0, .125, .347222, .5, .680555, .875, 1]; y = [new n(254, 254, 254, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(153, 153, 153, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(153, 153, 153, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(254, 254, 254, 1)]; h.save(); h.arc(f, e, o * .990654 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.clip(); l = o * .495327; a = o * .42056; c = new at(v, y); c.fillCircle(h, f, e, a, l); h.strokeStyle = "#848484"; h.strokeStyle = "rgba(132, 132, 132, 0.8)"; h.beginPath(); h.lineWidth = o / 90; h.arc(f, e, o / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.stroke(); h.restore(); break; case "shinyMetal": v = [0, .125, .25, .347222, .5, .652777, .75, .875, 1]; y = [new n(254, 254, 254, 1), new n(210, 210, 210, 1), new n(179, 179, 179, 1), new n(238, 238, 238, 1), new n(160, 160, 160, 1), new n(238, 238, 238, 1), new n(179, 179, 179, 1), new n(210, 210, 210, 1), new n(254, 254, 254, 1)]; h.save(); h.arc(f, e, o * .990654 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.clip(); l = o * .495327; a = o * .42056; c = new at(v, y); c.fillCircle(h, f, e, a, l); h.strokeStyle = "#848484"; h.strokeStyle = "rgba(132, 132, 132, 0.8)"; h.beginPath(); h.lineWidth = o / 90; h.arc(f, e, o / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.stroke(); h.restore(); break; case "chrome": v = [0, .09, .12, .16, .25, .29, .33, .38, .48, .52, .63, .68, .8, .83, .87, .97, 1]; y = [new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(136, 136, 138, 1), new n(164, 185, 190, 1), new n(158, 179, 182, 1), new n(112, 112, 112, 1), new n(221, 227, 227, 1), new n(155, 176, 179, 1), new n(156, 176, 177, 1), new n(254, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(156, 180, 180, 1), new n(198, 209, 211, 1), new n(246, 248, 247, 1), new n(204, 216, 216, 1), new n(164, 188, 190, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1)]; h.save(); h.arc(f, e, o * .990654 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.clip(); l = o * .495327; a = o * .42056; c = new at(v, y); c.fillCircle(h, f, e, a, l); h.strokeStyle = "#848484"; h.strokeStyle = "rgba(132, 132, 132, 0.8)"; h.beginPath(); h.lineWidth = o / 90; h.arc(f, e, o / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.stroke(); h.restore() } h.fillStyle = "rgb(191, 191, 191)"; h.beginPath(); h.arc(f, e, o * .841121 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.fill(); h.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; h.beginPath(); h.arc(f, e, o * .83 / 2, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.fill(); g.cache[w] = p } return i.drawImage(g.cache[w], 0, 0), this }; g.cache = {}; nt = function(i, u, f, e, o, s) { var w, h, l, d, g, a = o * .831775 / 2, tt, it, rt, p, y, v, ut, b, k = o.toString() + s + u.name; if (!nt.cache[k]) { if (w = r(o, s), h = w.getContext("2d"), h.beginPath(), h.arc(f, e, a, 0, t, !0), h.closePath(), u.name === "CARBON" || u.name === "PUNCHED_SHEET" || u.name === "BRUSHED_METAL" || u.name === "BRUSHED_STAINLESS") u.name === "CARBON" && (h.fillStyle = h.createPattern(wi, "repeat"), h.fill()), u.name === "PUNCHED_SHEET" && (h.fillStyle = h.createPattern(bi, "repeat"), h.fill()), l = h.createLinearGradient(a, 0, o - a, 0), l.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"), l.addColorStop(.5, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"), l.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"), h.fillStyle = l, h.beginPath(), h.arc(f, e, a, 0, t, !0), h.closePath(), h.fill(), (u.name === "BRUSHED_METAL" || u.name === "BRUSHED_STAINLESS") && (tt = u.name === "BRUSHED_METAL" ? !0 : !1, it = parseInt(u.gradientStop.getHexColor().substr(-6), 16), rt = ki(it, 5, .1, tt, .5), h.fillStyle = h.createPattern(rt.fill(0, 0, o, s), "no-repeat"), h.fill()); else if (u.name === "STAINLESS" || u.name === "TURNED") { if (d = [0, .03, .1, .14, .24, .33, .38, .5, .62, .67, .76, .81, .85, .97, 1], g = [new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#B2B2B4"), new n("#ACACAE"), new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#8E8E8E"), new n("#8E8E8E"), new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#8E8E8E"), new n("#8E8E8E"), new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#ACACAE"), new n("#B2B2B4"), new n("#FDFDFD"), new n("#FDFDFD")], l = new at(d, g), l.fillCircle(h, f, e, 0, a), u.name === "TURNED") { for (p = a, y = p * .55, v = c * (500 / p), h.save(), h.beginPath(), h.arc(f, e, p, 0, t), h.closePath(), h.clip(), h.lineWidth = .5, ut = t - v * .3, b = 0; b < ut; b += v) h.strokeStyle = "rgba(240, 240, 255, 0.25)", h.beginPath(), h.arc(f + y, e, y, 0, t), h.stroke(), h.translate(f, e), h.rotate(v * .3), h.translate(-f, -e), h.strokeStyle = "rgba(25, 10, 10, 0.1)", h.beginPath(), h.arc(f + y, e, y, 0, t), h.stroke(), h.translate(f, e), h.rotate(v - v * .3), h.translate(-f, -e); h.restore() } } else l = h.createLinearGradient(0, o * .084112, 0, a * 2), l.addColorStop(0, u.gradientStart.getRgbaColor()), l.addColorStop(.4, u.gradientFraction.getRgbaColor()), l.addColorStop(1, u.gradientStop.getRgbaColor()), h.fillStyle = l, h.fill(); l = h.createRadialGradient(f, e, 0, f, e, a); l.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); l.addColorStop(.7, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); l.addColorStop(.71, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); l.addColorStop(.86, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)"); l.addColorStop(.92, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)"); l.addColorStop(.97, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)"); l.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)"); h.fillStyle = l; h.beginPath(); h.arc(f, e, a, 0, t, !0); h.closePath(); h.fill(); nt.cache[k] = w } return i.drawImage(nt.cache[k], 0, 0), this }; nt.cache = {}; bt = function(n, i, r, u, f, e) { var o = f * .831775, s = e * .831775, h = (f - o) / 2, c = (e - s) / 2; return i !== null && i.height > 0 && i.width > 0 && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), n.arc(r, u, f * .831775 / 2, 0, t, !0), n.clip(), n.drawImage(i, h, c, o, s), n.restore()), this }; tt = function(n, t, i, u, f, e, o, s, h) { var b, c, v = Math.ceil(u * .084112), y = i * .5 - v / 2, p = u * .5 - v / 2, d = i * .008, a, w, k = t.type + i + u + f + (e !== undefined ? e.type : "-") + (o !== undefined ? o.style : "-") + (h !== undefined ? h.type : "-"); if (!tt.cache[k]) { b = r(i, u); c = b.getContext("2d"); f && (c.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)", c.shadowOffsetX = c.shadowOffsetY = d, c.shadowBlur = d * 2, s === steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE5 ? steelseries.Orientation.WEST === h ? (y = i * .733644 - v / 2, c.drawImage(l(v, e, o), y, p)) : steelseries.Orientation.EAST === h ? (y = i * (1 - .733644) - v / 2, c.drawImage(l(v, e, o), y, p)) : (p = u * .733644 - v / 2, c.drawImage(l(v, e, o), y, u * .6857)) : c.drawImage(l(v, e, o), y, p), c.shadowOffsetX = c.shadowOffsetY = 0, c.shadowBlur = 0); switch (t.type) { case "type2": c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .135514, u * .696261); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .214953, u * .588785, i * .317757, u * .5, i * .462616, u * .425233); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .612149, u * .345794, i * .733644, u * .317757, i * .873831, u * .322429); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .766355, u * .112149, i * .528037, u * .023364, i * .313084, u * .130841); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .09813, u * .238317, i * .028037, u * .485981, i * .135514, u * .696261); c.closePath(); a = c.createLinearGradient(.313084 * i, .135514 * u, .495528 * i, .493582 * u); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.275)"); a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.015)"); break; case "type3": c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .084112, u * .509345); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .21028, u * .556074, i * .462616, u * .560747, i * .5, u * .560747); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .537383, u * .560747, i * .794392, u * .560747, i * .915887, u * .509345); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .915887, u * .2757, i * .738317, u * .084112, i * .5, u * .084112); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .261682, u * .084112, i * .084112, u * .2757, i * .084112, u * .509345); c.closePath(); a = c.createLinearGradient(0, .093457 * u, 0, .556073 * u); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.275)"); a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.015)"); break; case "type4": c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .67757, u * .24299); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .771028, u * .308411, i * .822429, u * .411214, i * .813084, u * .528037); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .799065, u * .654205, i * .719626, u * .757009, i * .593457, u * .799065); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .485981, u * .831775, i * .369158, u * .808411, i * .285046, u * .728971); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .2757, u * .719626, i * .252336, u * .714953, i * .233644, u * .728971); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .214953, u * .747663, i * .219626, u * .771028, i * .228971, u * .7757); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .331775, u * .878504, i * .476635, u * .915887, i * .616822, u * .869158); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .771028, u * .822429, i * .873831, u * .691588, i * .88785, u * .53271); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .897196, u * .38785, i * .836448, u * .257009, i * .719626, u * .182242); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .705607, u * .172897, i * .682242, u * .163551, i * .663551, u * .186915); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .654205, u * .205607, i * .668224, u * .238317, i * .67757, u * .24299); c.closePath(); a = c.createRadialGradient(.5 * i, .5 * u, 0, .5 * i, .5 * u, .38785 * i); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); a.addColorStop(.82, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); a.addColorStop(.83, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)"); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .261682, u * .224299); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .285046, u * .238317, i * .252336, u * .285046, i * .24299, u * .317757); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .24299, u * .350467, i * .271028, u * .383177, i * .271028, u * .397196); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .2757, u * .415887, i * .261682, u * .457943, i * .238317, u * .509345); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .224299, u * .542056, i * .17757, u * .612149, i * .158878, u * .612149); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .144859, u * .612149, i * .088785, u * .546728, i * .130841, u * .369158); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .140186, u * .336448, i * .214953, u * .200934, i * .261682, u * .224299); c.closePath(); w = c.createLinearGradient(.130841 * i, .369158 * u, .273839 * i, .412877 * u); w.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.275)"); w.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.015)"); c.fillStyle = w; c.fill(); break; case "type5": c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .084112, u * .5); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .084112, u * .271028, i * .271028, u * .084112, i * .5, u * .084112); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .700934, u * .084112, i * .864485, u * .224299, i * .906542, u * .411214); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .911214, u * .439252, i * .911214, u * .518691, i * .845794, u * .537383); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .794392, u * .546728, i * .551401, u * .411214, i * .392523, u * .457943); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .168224, u * .509345, i * .135514, u * .7757, i * .093457, u * .593457); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .088785, u * .560747, i * .084112, u * .53271, i * .084112, u * .5); c.closePath(); a = c.createLinearGradient(0, .084112 * u, 0, .644859 * u); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.275)"); a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.015)"); break; case "type1": default: c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(i * .084112, u * .509345); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .205607, u * .448598, i * .336448, u * .415887, i * .5, u * .415887); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .672897, u * .415887, i * .789719, u * .443925, i * .915887, u * .509345); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .915887, u * .2757, i * .738317, u * .084112, i * .5, u * .084112); c.bezierCurveTo(i * .261682, u * .084112, i * .084112, u * .2757, i * .084112, u * .509345); c.closePath(); a = c.createLinearGradient(0, .088785 * u, 0, .490654 * u); a.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.275)"); a.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.015)") } c.fillStyle = a; c.fill(); tt.cache[k] = b } return n.drawImage(tt.cache[k], 0, 0), this }; tt.cache = {}; l = function(n, i, u) { var h, f, o = n / 2, s = n / 2, e, c = n.toString() + i.type + u.style; if (!l.cache[c]) { h = r(n * 1.18889, n * 1.18889); f = h.getContext("2d"); switch (i.type) { case "metalKnob": f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(0, n * .5); f.bezierCurveTo(0, n * .222222, n * .222222, 0, n * .5, 0); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .777777, 0, n, n * .222222, n, n * .5); f.bezierCurveTo(n, n * .777777, n * .777777, n, n * .5, n); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .222222, n, 0, n * .777777, 0, n * .5); f.closePath(); e = f.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, n); e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(92, 95, 101)"); e.addColorStop(.47, "rgb(46, 49, 53)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(22, 23, 26)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(n * .055555, n * .5); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .055555, n * .277777, n * .277777, n * .055555, n * .5, n * .055555); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .722222, n * .055555, n * .944444, n * .277777, n * .944444, n * .5); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .944444, n * .722222, n * .722222, n * .944444, n * .5, n * .944444); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .277777, n * .944444, n * .055555, n * .722222, n * .055555, n * .5); f.closePath(); e = f.createLinearGradient(0, .055555 * n, 0, .944443 * n); switch (u.style) { case "black": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(43, 42, 47)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(26, 27, 32)"); break; case "custom": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(52, 135, 194)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(50, 102, 199)"); break; case "brass": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(150, 110, 54)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(124, 95, 61)"); break; case "silver": default: e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(204, 204, 204)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(87, 92, 98)") } f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(n * .777777, n * .833333); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .722222, n * .722222, n * .611111, n * .666666, n * .5, n * .666666); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .388888, n * .666666, n * .277777, n * .722222, n * .222222, n * .833333); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .277777, n * .888888, n * .388888, n * .944444, n * .5, n * .944444); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .611111, n * .944444, n * .722222, n * .888888, n * .777777, n * .833333); f.closePath(); e = f.createRadialGradient(.555555 * n, .944444 * n, 0, .555555 * n, .944444 * n, .388888 * n); e.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(n * .944444, n * .277777); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .833333, n * .111111, n * .666666, 0, n * .5, 0); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .333333, 0, n * .166666, n * .111111, n * .055555, n * .277777); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .166666, n * .333333, n * .333333, n * .388888, n * .5, n * .388888); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .666666, n * .388888, n * .833333, n * .333333, n * .944444, n * .277777); f.closePath(); e = f.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, 0, 0, .5 * n, 0, .583333 * n); e.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.749019)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(n * .277777, n * .555555); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .277777, n * .388888, n * .388888, n * .277777, n * .5, n * .277777); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .611111, n * .277777, n * .777777, n * .388888, n * .777777, n * .555555); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .777777, n * .666666, n * .611111, n * .777777, n * .5, n * .777777); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .388888, n * .777777, n * .277777, n * .666666, n * .277777, n * .555555); f.closePath(); e = f.createLinearGradient(0, .277777 * n, 0, .722221 * n); e.addColorStop(0, "#000000"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(204, 204, 204)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); f.beginPath(); f.moveTo(n * .333333, n * .555555); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .333333, n * .444444, n * .388888, n * .333333, n * .5, n * .333333); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .611111, n * .333333, n * .722222, n * .444444, n * .722222, n * .555555); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .722222, n * .611111, n * .611111, n * .722222, n * .5, n * .722222); f.bezierCurveTo(n * .388888, n * .722222, n * .333333, n * .611111, n * .333333, n * .555555); f.closePath(); e = f.createLinearGradient(0, .333333 * n, 0, .666666 * n); e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(10, 9, 1)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(42, 41, 37)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.fill(); break; case "standardKnob": e = f.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, n); e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(180, 180, 180)"); e.addColorStop(.46, "rgb(63, 63, 63)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(40, 40, 40)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.beginPath(); f.arc(o, s, n / 2, 0, t, !0); f.closePath(); f.fill(); e = f.createLinearGradient(0, n - n * .77, 0, n - n * .77 + n * .77); switch (u.style) { case "black": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(191, 191, 191)"); e.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(45, 44, 49)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(125, 126, 128)"); break; case "brass": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(223, 208, 174)"); e.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(123, 95, 63)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(207, 190, 157)"); break; case "custom": e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(52, 135, 194)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(50, 102, 199)"); break; case "silver": default: e.addColorStop(0, "rgb(215, 215, 215)"); e.addColorStop(.5, "rgb(116, 116, 116)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgb(215, 215, 215)") } f.fillStyle = e; f.beginPath(); f.arc(o, s, n * .77 / 2, 0, t, !0); f.closePath(); f.fill(); e = f.createRadialGradient(o, s, 0, o, s, n * .77 / 2); e.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); e.addColorStop(.75, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); e.addColorStop(.76, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01)"); e.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"); f.fillStyle = e; f.beginPath(); f.arc(o, s, n * .77 / 2, 0, t, !0); f.closePath(); f.fill() } l.cache[c] = h } return l.cache[c] }; l.cache = {}; a = function(n, i, f) { var c, e, s = 2 * Math.round(n / 4), h = 2 * Math.round(n / 4), o, l = n.toString() + i + f.outerColor_ON; if (!a.cache[l]) { c = r(n, n); e = c.getContext("2d"); switch (i) { case 0: o = e.createRadialGradient(s, h, 0, s, h, n * .5 / 2); o.addColorStop(0, f.innerColor1_OFF); o.addColorStop(.2, f.innerColor2_OFF); o.addColorStop(1, f.outerColor_OFF); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, h, n * .5 / 2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); o = e.createRadialGradient(s, h, 0, s, h, n * .5 / 2); o.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); o.addColorStop(.8, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); o.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, h, n * .5 / 2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); o = e.createLinearGradient(0, .35 * n, 0, .35 * n + .15 * n); o.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)"); o.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, .35 * n + .2 * n / 2, n * .2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); break; case 1: o = e.createRadialGradient(s, h, 0, s, h, n * .5 / 2); o.addColorStop(0, f.innerColor1_ON); o.addColorStop(.2, f.innerColor2_ON); o.addColorStop(1, f.outerColor_ON); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, h, n * .5 / 2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); o = e.createRadialGradient(s, h, 0, s, h, n * .5 / 2); o.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); o.addColorStop(.8, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"); o.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, h, n * .5 / 2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); o = e.createLinearGradient(0, .35 * n, 0, .35 * n + .15 * n); o.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)"); o.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, .35 * n + .2 * n / 2, n * .2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill(); o = e.createRadialGradient(s, h, 0, s, h, n / 2); o.addColorStop(0, u(f.coronaColor, 0)); o.addColorStop(.6, u(f.coronaColor, .4)); o.addColorStop(.7, u(f.coronaColor, .25)); o.addColorStop(.8, u(f.coronaColor, .15)); o.addColorStop(.85, u(f.coronaColor, .05)); o.addColorStop(1, u(f.coronaColor, 0)); e.fillStyle = o; e.beginPath(); e.arc(s, h, n / 2, 0, t, !0); e.closePath(); e.fill() } a.cache[l] = c } return a.cache[l] }; a.cache = {}; it = function(n, t, i) { var e, f, o = 0, v = n, c = t, l = Math.min(n, t) * .095, u, s = 1, y = n - 2, a = t - 2, p = l - 1, h = n.toString() + t + JSON.stringify(i); return it.cache[h] || (e = r(n, t), f = e.getContext("2d"), u = f.createLinearGradient(0, o, 0, o + c), u.addColorStop(0, "#4c4c4c"), u.addColorStop(.08, "#666666"), u.addColorStop(.92, "#666666"), u.addColorStop(1, "#e6e6e6"), f.fillStyle = u, dt(f, 0, o, v, c, l), f.fill(), u = f.createLinearGradient(0, s, 0, s + a), u.addColorStop(0, i.gradientStartColor), u.addColorStop(.03, i.gradientFraction1Color), u.addColorStop(.49, i.gradientFraction2Color), u.addColorStop(.5, i.gradientFraction3Color), u.addColorStop(1, i.gradientStopColor), f.fillStyle = u, dt(f, 1, s, y, a, p), f.fill(), it.cache[h] = e), it.cache[h] }; it.cache = {}; et = function(n, t, i, r) { var f, u, e = n.toString() + t + i + r; return et.cache[e] || (f = d.createElement("canvas"), u = f.getContext("2d"), f.width = n, f.height = n, u.fillStyle = t, i ? (u.beginPath(), u.moveTo(n * .5, n), u.lineTo(0, 0), u.lineTo(n, 0), u.closePath(), u.fill()) : r ? (u.beginPath(), u.moveTo(n, n * .5), u.lineTo(0, 0), u.lineTo(0, n), u.closePath(), u.fill()) : (u.beginPath(), u.moveTo(n * .5, 0), u.lineTo(n, n), u.lineTo(0, n), u.closePath(), u.fill()), et.cache[e] = f), et.cache[e] }; et.cache = {}; w = function(n, i, f) { var o = n * 2, h, e, s, c = i.state + n + JSON.stringify(f), l = function() { var r = f[0]; i.state === "up" ? (s = e.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, .2 * o, 0, .5 * n, .2 * o, .5 * n), s.addColorStop(0, r.innerColor1_ON), s.addColorStop(.2, r.innerColor2_ON), s.addColorStop(1, r.outerColor_ON)) : (s = e.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, .5 * o), s.addColorStop(0, "#323232"), s.addColorStop(1, "#5c5c5c")); e.fillStyle = s; e.beginPath(); e.moveTo(.5 * n, 0); e.lineTo(n, .2 * o); e.lineTo(.752 * n, .2 * o); e.lineTo(.752 * n, .37 * o); e.lineTo(.252 * n, .37 * o); e.lineTo(.252 * n, .2 * o); e.lineTo(0, .2 * o); e.closePath(); e.fill(); i.state !== "up" ? (e.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, .2 * o), e.lineTo(.5 * n, 0), e.lineTo(n, .2 * o), e.moveTo(.252 * n, .2 * o), e.lineTo(.252 * n, .37 * o), e.stroke(), e.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.252 * n, .37 * o), e.lineTo(.752 * n, .37 * o), e.lineTo(.752 * n, .2 * o), e.lineTo(n, .2 * o), e.stroke()) : (s = e.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, .2 * o, 0, .5 * n, .2 * o, .7 * n), s.addColorStop(0, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), s.addColorStop(.5, u(r.coronaColor, .3)), s.addColorStop(.7, u(r.coronaColor, .2)), s.addColorStop(.8, u(r.coronaColor, .1)), s.addColorStop(.85, u(r.coronaColor, .05)), s.addColorStop(1, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), e.fillStyle = s, e.beginPath(), e.arc(.5 * n, .2 * o, .7 * n, 0, t, !0), e.closePath(), e.fill()) }, a = function() { var r = f[1]; e.beginPath(); i.state === "steady" ? (s = r.outerColor_ON, e.fillStyle = s, e.rect(.128 * n, .41 * o, .744 * n, .074 * o), e.rect(.128 * n, .516 * o, .744 * n, .074 * o), e.closePath(), e.fill()) : (s = e.createLinearGradient(0, .41 * o, 0, .41 * o + .074 * o), s.addColorStop(0, "#323232"), s.addColorStop(1, "#5c5c5c"), e.fillStyle = s, e.rect(.128 * n, .41 * o, .744 * n, .074 * o), e.closePath(), e.fill(), s = e.createLinearGradient(0, .516 * o, 0, .516 * o + .074 * o), s.addColorStop(0, "#323232"), s.addColorStop(1, "#5c5c5c"), e.fillStyle = s, e.rect(.128 * n, .516 * o, .744 * n, .074 * o), e.closePath(), e.fill()); i.state !== "steady" ? (e.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.128 * n, .41 * o + .074 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n, .41 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .41 * o), e.stroke(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.128 * n, .516 * o + .074 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n, .516 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .516 * o), e.stroke(), e.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .41 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .41 * o + .074 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n, .41 * o + .074 * o), e.stroke(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .516 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n + .744 * n, .516 * o + .074 * o), e.lineTo(.128 * n, .516 * o + .074 * o), e.stroke()) : (s = e.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, .5 * o, 0, .5 * n, .5 * o, .7 * n), s.addColorStop(0, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), s.addColorStop(.5, u(r.coronaColor, .3)), s.addColorStop(.7, u(r.coronaColor, .2)), s.addColorStop(.8, u(r.coronaColor, .1)), s.addColorStop(.85, u(r.coronaColor, .05)), s.addColorStop(1, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), e.fillStyle = s, e.beginPath(), e.arc(.5 * n, .5 * o, .7 * n, 0, t, !0), e.closePath(), e.fill()) }, v = function() { var r = f[2]; i.state === "down" ? (s = e.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, .8 * o, 0, .5 * n, .8 * o, .5 * n), s.addColorStop(0, r.innerColor1_ON), s.addColorStop(.2, r.innerColor2_ON), s.addColorStop(1, r.outerColor_ON)) : (s = e.createLinearGradient(0, .63 * o, 0, o), s.addColorStop(0, "#323232"), s.addColorStop(1, "#5c5c5c")); e.beginPath(); e.fillStyle = s; e.moveTo(.5 * n, o); e.lineTo(n, .8 * o); e.lineTo(.725 * n, .8 * o); e.lineTo(.725 * n, .63 * o); e.lineTo(.252 * n, .63 * o); e.lineTo(.252 * n, .8 * o); e.lineTo(0, .8 * o); e.closePath(); e.fill(); i.state !== "down" ? (e.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, .8 * o), e.lineTo(.252 * n, .8 * o), e.moveTo(.252 * n, .63 * o), e.lineTo(.752 * n, .63 * o), e.stroke(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.752 * n, .8 * o), e.lineTo(n, .8 * o), e.stroke(), e.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, .8 * o), e.lineTo(.5 * n, o), e.lineTo(n, .8 * o), e.stroke(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(.752 * n, .8 * o), e.lineTo(.752 * n, .63 * o), e.stroke()) : (s = e.createRadialGradient(.5 * n, .8 * o, 0, .5 * n, .8 * o, .7 * n), s.addColorStop(0, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), s.addColorStop(.5, u(r.coronaColor, .3)), s.addColorStop(.7, u(r.coronaColor, .2)), s.addColorStop(.8, u(r.coronaColor, .1)), s.addColorStop(.85, u(r.coronaColor, .05)), s.addColorStop(1, u(r.coronaColor, 0)), e.fillStyle = s, e.beginPath(), e.arc(.5 * n, .8 * o, .7 * n, 0, t, !0), e.closePath(), e.fill()) }; if (!w.cache[c]) { h = r(n * 2, n * 4); e = h.getContext("2d"); e.translate(n * .5, n * .5); switch (i.state) { case "up": v(); a(); l(); break; case "steady": v(); l(); a(); break; case "down": default: l(); a(); v() } w.cache[c] = h } return w.cache[c] }; w.cache = {}; var fi = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o, h, c) { c = undefined === c ? c = steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE1 : c; n.save(); n.textAlign = o ? "center" : "left"; n.textBaseline = "middle"; n.strokeStyle = f.labelColor.getRgbaColor(); n.fillStyle = f.labelColor.getRgbaColor(); o ? (n.font = .046728 * t + "px " + s, n.fillText(r, t / 2, i * .3, t * .3), n.fillText(u, t / 2, i * .38, t * .3)) : e ? (n.font = .1 * t + "px " + s, n.save(), n.translate(.671428 * t, .1375 * i), n.rotate(1.570796), n.fillText(r, 0, 0), n.translate(-.671428 * t, -.1375 * i), n.restore(), n.font = .071428 * t + "px " + s, h ? c.type === "type2" ? (n.textAlign = "right", n.fillText(u, .36 * t, i * .79, t * .25)) : n.fillText(u, .63 * t, i * .85, t * .2) : (n.textAlign = "center", c.type === "type2" ? n.fillText(u, t / 2, i * .92, t * .2) : n.fillText(u, t / 2, i * .89, t * .2))) : (n.font = .035 * t + "px " + s, n.fillText(r, t * .15, i * .25, t * .3), n.font = .025 * t + "px " + s, n.fillText(u, t * .0625, i * .7, t * .07)); n.restore() }, wi = ii(12, 12, function(n) { var u = n.canvas.width, t = n.canvas.height, f = 0, r = 0, i; n.save(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(0, 0, u * .5, t * .5); n.closePath(); n.restore(); i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .5 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "rgb(35, 35, 35)"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(23, 23, 23)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .083333, 0, u * .333333, t * .416666); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .083333; r = 0; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .416666 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "rgb(38, 38, 38)"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(30, 30, 30)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .5, t * .5, u * .5, t * .5); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .5; r = .5; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .5 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "rgb(35, 35, 35)"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(23, 23, 23)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .583333, t * .5, u * .333333, t * .416666); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .583333; r = .5; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .416666 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "rgb(38, 38, 38)"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(30, 30, 30)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .5, 0, u * .5, t * .5); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .5; r = 0; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .5 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "#303030"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(40, 40, 40)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .583333, t * .083333, u * .333333, t * .416666); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .583333; r = .083333; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .416666 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "rgb(53, 53, 53)"); i.addColorStop(1, "rgb(45, 45, 45)"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(0, t * .5, u * .5, t * .5); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = 0; r = .5; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .5 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "#303030"); i.addColorStop(1, "#282828"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(u * .083333, t * .583333, u * .333333, t * .416666); n.closePath(); n.restore(); f = .083333; r = .583333; i = n.createLinearGradient(0, r * t, 0, .416666 * t + r * t); i.addColorStop(0, "#353535"); i.addColorStop(1, "#2d2d2d"); n.fillStyle = i; n.fill(); n.restore() }), bi = ii(15, 15, function(n) { var i = n.canvas.width, t = n.canvas.height, r; n.save(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.rect(0, 0, i, t); n.closePath(); n.restore(); n.fillStyle = "#1D2123"; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(0, t * .266666); n.bezierCurveTo(0, t * .4, i * .066666, t * .466666, i * .2, t * .466666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .333333, t * .466666, i * .4, t * .4, i * .4, t * .266666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .4, t * .133333, i * .333333, t * .066666, i * .2, t * .066666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .066666, t * .066666, 0, t * .133333, 0, t * .266666); n.closePath(); r = n.createLinearGradient(0, .066666 * t, 0, .466666 * t); r.addColorStop(0, "#000000"); r.addColorStop(1, "#444444"); n.fillStyle = r; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(0, t * .2); n.bezierCurveTo(0, t * .333333, i * .066666, t * .4, i * .2, t * .4); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .333333, t * .4, i * .4, t * .333333, i * .4, t * .2); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .4, t * .066666, i * .333333, 0, i * .2, 0); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .066666, 0, 0, t * .066666, 0, t * .2); n.closePath(); n.fillStyle = "#050506"; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(i * .466666, t * .733333); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .466666, t * .866666, i * .533333, t * .933333, i * .666666, t * .933333); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .8, t * .933333, i * .866666, t * .866666, i * .866666, t * .733333); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .866666, t * .6, i * .8, t * .533333, i * .666666, t * .533333); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .533333, t * .533333, i * .466666, t * .6, i * .466666, t * .733333); n.closePath(); r = n.createLinearGradient(0, .533333 * t, 0, .933333 * t); r.addColorStop(0, "#000000"); r.addColorStop(1, "#444444"); n.fillStyle = r; n.fill(); n.save(); n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(i * .466666, t * .666666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .466666, t * .8, i * .533333, t * .866666, i * .666666, t * .866666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .8, t * .866666, i * .866666, t * .8, i * .866666, t * .666666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .866666, t * .533333, i * .8, t * .466666, i * .666666, t * .466666); n.bezierCurveTo(i * .533333, t * .466666, i * .466666, t * .533333, i * .466666, t * .666666); n.closePath(); n.fillStyle = "#050506"; n.fill(); n.restore() }), ki = function(n, t, i, u, f) { function e(n, t) { return n += (2 * Math.random() - 1) * t | 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n > 255 ? 255 : n } function s(n) { return n < 0 ? 0 : n > 255 ? 255 : n } function h(n, t, i, r, u, f) { var o, v, e, a, s, h, c, l; for (u >= i && (u = i - 1), a = 1 / (u * 2 + 1), s = 0, v = 0; v < r; v++) { for (h = c = l = 0, o = 0; o < u; o++) e = (s + o) * 4, h += n.data[e], c += n.data[e + 1], l += n.data[e + 2]; for (o = 0; o < i; o++) o > u && (e = (s - u - 1) * 4, h -= n.data[e], c -= n.data[e + 1], l -= n.data[e + 2]), o + u < i && (e = (s + u) * 4, h += n.data[e], c += n.data[e + 1], l += n.data[e + 2]), e = s * 4, t.data[e] = h * a | 0, t.data[e + 1] = c * a | 0, t.data[e + 2] = l * a | 0, t.data[e + 3] = f, s++ } } return this.fill = function(c, l, a, v) { var k, d, nt, ot, p, b, st, g, y, ht, ct = 255, lt = n >> 16 & 255, at = n >> 8 & 255, vt = n & 255, tt = 0, it = 255 * i, yt, pt, wt, w, rt, ut, ft, et; if (c = Math.floor(c), l = Math.floor(l), a = Math.ceil(a), v = Math.ceil(v), p = a - c, b = v - l, st = r(p, b), g = st.getContext("2d"), y = g.createImageData(p, b), ht = g.createImageData(p, b), f !== 0) for (ot = [], k = 0; k < p; k++) ot[k] = 255 * f * Math.sin(k / p * o) | 0; for (nt = 0; nt < b; nt++) for (t !== 0 && (yt = pt = wt = 0), d = 0; d < p; d++) w = nt * p * 4 + d * 4, rt = lt, ut = at, ft = vt, f !== 0 && (et = ot[d], rt += et, ut += et, ft += et), u ? (tt = (2 * Math.random() - 1) * it | 0, y.data[w] = s(rt + tt), y.data[w + 1] = s(ut + tt), y.data[w + 2] = s(ft + tt), y.data[w + 3] = ct) : (y.data[w] = e(rt, it), y.data[w + 1] = e(ut, it), y.data[w + 2] = e(ft, it), y.data[w + 3] = ct); return t > 0 ? (h(y, ht, p, b, t, ct), g.putImageData(ht, c, l)) : g.putImageData(y, c, l), st }, this }, n = function(n, t, i, r) { function s() { u = p(n, 255); f = p(t, 255); e = p(i, 255); o = p(r, 1) } var u, f, e, o; arguments.length === 1 ? (i = parseInt(n.substr(5, 2), 16), t = parseInt(n.substr(3, 2), 16), n = parseInt(n.substr(1, 2), 16), r = 1) : arguments.length === 3 && (r = 1); s(); this.getRed = function() { return u }; this.setRed = function(n) { u = p(n, 255) }; this.getGreen = function() { return f }; this.setGreen = function(n) { f = p(n, 255) }; this.getBlue = function() { return e }; this.setBlue = function(n) { e = p(n, 255) }; this.getAlpha = function() { return o }; this.setAlpha = function(n) { o = p(n, 1) }; this.getRgbaColor = function() { return "rgba(" + u + ", " + f + ", " + e + ", " + o + ")" }; this.getRgbColor = function() { return "rgb(" + u + ", " + f + ", " + e + ")" }; this.getHexColor = function() { return "#" + u.toString(16) + f.toString(16) + e.toString(16) } }, at = function(n, i) { for (var f = n.length - 1, u = 0; u <= f; u++) n[u] = t * n[u] - o; this.fillCircle = function(t, e, o, s, h) { var w, l = Math.ceil(h), c = l * 2, a, tt, v, y, b, k, it, g, p, d, nt, rt; for (a = t.createImageData(c, c), tt = 255, y = 0; y < c; y++) for (k = l - y, it = k * k, v = 0; v < c; v++) if (b = v - l, g = Math.sqrt(b * b + it), g <= l && g >= s) { for (w = Math.atan2(b, k), u = 0; u < f; u++) w >= n[u] && w < n[u + 1] && (d = kt(i[u], i[u + 1], n[u + 1] - n[u], w - n[u], !0)); p = (c - y) * c * 4 + v * 4; a.data[p] = d[0]; a.data[p + 1] = d[1]; a.data[p + 2] = d[2]; a.data[p + 3] = tt } nt = r(c, c); rt = nt.getContext("2d"); rt.putImageData(a, 0, 0); t.drawImage(nt, e - l, o - l) }; this.fillRect = function(t, e, o, s, h, c, l) { var w, k, d, y, nt, a, v, tt, it, p, b, g, rt; for (s = Math.ceil(s), h = Math.ceil(h), k = s / 2, d = h / 2, c = Math.ceil(c), l = Math.ceil(l), y = t.createImageData(s, h), nt = 255, v = 0; v < h; v++) for (it = d - v, a = 0; a < s; a++) { for (v > l && v <= h - l && a > c && a < s - c && (a = s - c), tt = a - k, w = Math.atan2(tt, it), u = 0; u < f; u++) w >= n[u] && w < n[u + 1] && (b = kt(i[u], i[u + 1], n[u + 1] - n[u], w - n[u], !0)); p = (h - v) * s * 4 + a * 4; y.data[p] = b[0]; y.data[p + 1] = b[0]; y.data[p + 2] = b[0]; y.data[p + 3] = nt } g = r(s, h); rt = g.getContext("2d"); rt.putImageData(y, 0, 0); t.drawImage(g, e - k, o - d) } }, di = function(n, t, i, r) { this.getColorAt = function(n) { var u = 0, e = 0, f = 1, o = 1, t, s; for (n = n < 0 ? 0 : n > 1 ? 1 : n, t = 0; t < i.length; t++) { if (i[t] < n && u < i[t] && (u = i[t], e = t), i[t] === n) return r[t]; i[t] > n && f >= i[t] && (f = i[t], o = t) } return s = (n - u) / (f - u), kt(r[e], r[o], 1, s) }; this.getStart = function() { return n }; this.getEnd = function() { return t } }; Math.log10 = function(n) { return Math.log(n) / Math.LN10 }; v = function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(n) { window.setTimeout(n, 1e3 / 16) } }(), function() { e = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { this.gradientStart = n; this.gradientFraction = t; this.gradientStop = i; this.labelColor = r; this.symbolColor = u; this.name = f } }(), function() { f = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { this.gradientStartColor = n; this.gradientFraction1Color = t; this.gradientFraction2Color = i; this.gradientFraction3Color = r; this.gradientStopColor = u; this.textColor = f } }(), function() { y = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { this.veryDark = n; this.dark = t; this.medium = i; this.light = r; this.lighter = u; this.veryLight = f } }(), function() { ut = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e) { this.innerColor1_ON = n; this.innerColor2_ON = t; this.outerColor_ON = i; this.coronaColor = r; this.innerColor1_OFF = u; this.innerColor2_OFF = f; this.outerColor_OFF = e } }(), function() { ct = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { vt = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { ui = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { gt = function(n) { this.style = n } }(), function() { b = function(n) { this.design = n } }(), function() { h = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { lt = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { ni = function(n) { this.format = n } }(), function() { ti = function(n) { this.type = n } }(), function() { yt = function(n) { this.state = n } }(); var tr = { DARK_GRAY: new e(new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(51, 51, 51, 1), new n(153, 153, 153, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(180, 180, 180, 1), "DARK_GRAY"), SATIN_GRAY: new e(new n(45, 57, 57, 1), new n(45, 57, 57, 1), new n(45, 57, 57, 1), new n(167, 184, 180, 1), new n(137, 154, 150, 1), "SATIN_GRAY"), LIGHT_GRAY: new e(new n(130, 130, 130, 1), new n(181, 181, 181, 1), new n(253, 253, 253, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "LIGHT_GRAY"), WHITE: new e(new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "WHITE"), BLACK: new e(new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(150, 150, 150, 1), "BLACK"), BEIGE: new e(new n(178, 172, 150, 1), new n(204, 205, 184, 1), new n(231, 231, 214, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "BEIGE"), BROWN: new e(new n(245, 225, 193, 1), new n(245, 225, 193, 1), new n(255, 250, 240, 1), new n(109, 73, 47, 1), new n(89, 53, 27, 1), "BROWN"), RED: new e(new n(198, 93, 95, 1), new n(212, 132, 134, 1), new n(242, 218, 218, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(90, 0, 0, 1), "RED"), GREEN: new e(new n(65, 120, 40, 1), new n(129, 171, 95, 1), new n(218, 237, 202, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(0, 90, 0, 1), "GREEN"), BLUE: new e(new n(45, 83, 122, 1), new n(115, 144, 170, 1), new n(227, 234, 238, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(0, 0, 90, 1), "BLUE"), ANTHRACITE: new e(new n(50, 50, 54, 1), new n(47, 47, 51, 1), new n(69, 69, 74, 1), new n(250, 250, 250, 1), new n(180, 180, 180, 1), "ANTHRACITE"), MUD: new e(new n(80, 86, 82, 1), new n(70, 76, 72, 1), new n(57, 62, 58, 1), new n(255, 255, 240, 1), new n(225, 225, 210, 1), "MUD"), PUNCHED_SHEET: new e(new n(50, 50, 54, 1), new n(47, 47, 51, 1), new n(69, 69, 74, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(180, 180, 180, 1), "PUNCHED_SHEET"), CARBON: new e(new n(50, 50, 54, 1), new n(47, 47, 51, 1), new n(69, 69, 74, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(180, 180, 180, 1), "CARBON"), STAINLESS: new e(new n(130, 130, 130, 1), new n(181, 181, 181, 1), new n(253, 253, 253, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "STAINLESS"), BRUSHED_METAL: new e(new n(50, 50, 54, 1), new n(47, 47, 51, 1), new n(69, 69, 74, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "BRUSHED_METAL"), BRUSHED_STAINLESS: new e(new n(50, 50, 54, 1), new n(47, 47, 51, 1), new n(110, 110, 112, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "BRUSHED_STAINLESS"), TURNED: new e(new n(130, 130, 130, 1), new n(181, 181, 181, 1), new n(253, 253, 253, 1), new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(80, 80, 80, 1), "TURNED") }, ir = { BEIGE: new f("#c8c8b1", "rgb(241, 237, 207)", "rgb(234, 230, 194)", "rgb(225, 220, 183)", "rgb(237, 232, 191)", "#000000"), BLUE: new f("#ffffff", "rgb(231, 246, 255)", "rgb(170, 224, 255)", "rgb(136, 212, 255)", "rgb(192, 232, 255)", "#124564"), ORANGE: new f("#ffffff", "rgb(255, 245, 225)", "rgb(255, 217, 147)", "rgb(255, 201, 104)", "rgb(255, 227, 173)", "#503700"), RED: new f("#ffffff", "rgb(255, 225, 225)", "rgb(253, 152, 152)", "rgb(252, 114, 115)", "rgb(254, 178, 178)", "#4f0c0e"), YELLOW: new f("#ffffff", "rgb(245, 255, 186)", "rgb(210, 255, 0)", "rgb(158, 205, 0)", "rgb(210, 255, 0)", "#405300"), WHITE: new f("#ffffff", "#ffffff", "rgb(241, 246, 242)", "rgb(229, 239, 244)", "#ffffff", "#000000"), GRAY: new f("#414141", "rgb(117, 117, 117)", "rgb(87, 87, 87)", "#414141", "rgb(81, 81, 81)", "#ffffff"), BLACK: new f("#414141", "#666666", "#333333", "#000000", "#333333", "#cccccc"), GREEN: new f("rgb(33, 67, 67)", "rgb(33, 67, 67)", "rgb(29, 58, 58)", "rgb(28, 57, 57)", "rgb(23, 46, 46)", "rgba(0, 185, 165, 255)"), BLUE2: new f("rgb(0, 68, 103)", "rgb(8, 109, 165)", "rgb(0, 72, 117)", "rgb(0, 72, 117)", "rgb(0, 68, 103)", "rgb(111, 182, 228)"), BLUE_BLACK: new f("rgb(22, 125, 212)", "rgb(3, 162, 254)", "rgb(3, 162, 254)", "rgb(3, 162, 254)", "rgb(11, 172, 244)", "#000000"), BLUE_DARKBLUE: new f("rgb(18, 33, 88)", "rgb(18, 33, 88)", "rgb(19, 30, 90)", "rgb(17, 31, 94)", "rgb(21, 25, 90)", "rgb(23, 99, 221)"), BLUE_GRAY: new f("rgb(135, 174, 255)", "rgb(101, 159, 255)", "rgb(44, 93, 255)", "rgb(27, 65, 254)", "rgb(12, 50, 255)", "#b2b4ed"), STANDARD: new f("rgb(131, 133, 119)", "rgb(176, 183, 167)", "rgb(165, 174, 153)", "rgb(166, 175, 156)", "rgb(175, 184, 165)", "rgb(35, 42, 52)"), STANDARD_GREEN: new f("#ffffff", "rgb(219, 230, 220)", "rgb(179, 194, 178)", "rgb(153, 176, 151)", "rgb(114, 138, 109)", "#080C06"), BLUE_BLUE: new f("rgb(100, 168, 253)", "rgb(100, 168, 253)", "rgb(95, 160, 250)", "rgb(80, 144, 252)", "rgb(74, 134, 255)", "#002cbb"), RED_DARKRED: new f("rgb(72, 36, 50)", "rgb(185, 111, 110)", "rgb(148, 66, 72)", "rgb(83, 19, 20)", "rgb(7, 6, 14)", "#FE8B92"), DARKBLUE: new f("rgb(14, 24, 31)", "rgb(46, 105, 144)", "rgb(19, 64, 96)", "rgb(6, 20, 29)", "rgb(8, 9, 10)", "#3DB3FF"), LILA: new f("rgb(175, 164, 255)", "rgb(188, 168, 253)", "rgb(176, 159, 255)", "rgb(174, 147, 252)", "rgb(168, 136, 233)", "#076148"), BLACKRED: new f("rgb(8, 12, 11)", "rgb(10, 11, 13)", "rgb(11, 10, 15)", "rgb(7, 13, 9)", "rgb(9, 13, 14)", "#B50026"), DARKGREEN: new f("rgb(25, 85, 0)", "rgb(47, 154, 0)", "rgb(30, 101, 0)", "rgb(30, 101, 0)", "rgb(25, 85, 0)", "#233123"), AMBER: new f("rgb(182, 71, 0)", "rgb(236, 155, 25)", "rgb(212, 93, 5)", "rgb(212, 93, 5)", "rgb(182, 71, 0)", "#593A0A"), LIGHTBLUE: new f("rgb(125, 146, 184)", "rgb(197, 212, 231)", "rgb(138, 155, 194)", "rgb(138, 155, 194)", "rgb(125, 146, 184)", "#090051"), SECTIONS: new f("#b2b2b2", "#ffffff", "#c4c4c4", "#c4c4c4", "#b2b2b2", "#000000") }, rr = { RED: new y(new n(82, 0, 0, 1), new n(158, 0, 19, 1), new n(213, 0, 25, 1), new n(240, 82, 88, 1), new n(255, 171, 173, 1), new n(255, 217, 218, 1)), GREEN: new y(new n(8, 54, 4, 1), new n(0, 107, 14, 1), new n(15, 148, 0, 1), new n(121, 186, 37, 1), new n(190, 231, 141, 1), new n(234, 247, 218, 1)), BLUE: new y(new n(0, 11, 68, 1), new n(0, 73, 135, 1), new n(0, 108, 201, 1), new n(0, 141, 242, 1), new n(122, 200, 255, 1), new n(204, 236, 255, 1)), BLUE2: new y(new n(73,155,234, 1), new n(73,155,234, 1),new n(73,155,234, 1), new n(20,84,153, 1),new n(20,84,153, 1),new n(20,84,153, 1)), BLUE3: new y(new n(179,220,237, 1), new n(179,220,237, 1),new n(41,184,229, 1), new n(41,184,229, 1),new n(188,224,238, 1),new n(188,224,238, 1)), BLUE4: new y(new n(17,84,208, 1), new n(17,84,208, 1),new n(17,84,208, 1), new n(14,62,175, 1),new n(14,62,175, 1),new n(14,62,175, 1)), BLUE5: new y(new n(198,217,250, 1), new n(198,217,250, 1),new n(17,84,208, 1), new n(14,62,175, 1),new n(14,62,175, 1),new n(14,62,175, 1)), ORANGE: new y(new n(118, 83, 30, 1), new n(215, 67, 0, 1), new n(240, 117, 0, 1), new n(255, 166, 0, 1), new n(255, 255, 128, 1), new n(255, 247, 194, 1)), YELLOW: new y(new n(41, 41, 0, 1), new n(102, 102, 0, 1), new n(177, 165, 0, 1), new n(255, 242, 0, 1), new n(255, 250, 153, 1), new n(255, 252, 204, 1)), CYAN: new y(new n(15, 109, 109, 1), new n(0, 109, 144, 1), new n(0, 144, 191, 1), new n(0, 174, 239, 1), new n(153, 223, 249, 1), new n(204, 239, 252, 1)), MAGENTA: new y(new n(98, 0, 114, 1), new n(128, 24, 72, 1), new n(191, 36, 107, 1), new n(255, 48, 143, 1), new n(255, 172, 210, 1), new n(255, 214, 23, 1)), WHITE: new y(new n(210, 210, 210, 1), new n(220, 220, 220, 1), new n(235, 235, 235, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1), new n(255, 255, 255, 1)), GRAY: new y(new n(25, 25, 25, 1), new n(51, 51, 51, 1), new n(76, 76, 76, 1), new n(128, 128, 128, 1), new n(204, 204, 204, 1), new n(243, 243, 243, 1)), BLACK: new y(new n(0, 0, 0, 1), new n(5, 5, 5, 1), new n(10, 10, 10, 1), new n(15, 15, 15, 1), new n(20, 20, 20, 1), new n(25, 25, 25, 1)), RAITH: new y(new n(0, 32, 65, 1), new n(0, 65, 125, 1), new n(0, 106, 172, 1), new n(130, 180, 214, 1), new n(148, 203, 242, 1), new n(191, 229, 255, 1)), GREEN_LCD: new y(new n(0, 55, 45, 1), new n(15, 109, 93, 1), new n(0, 185, 165, 1), new n(48, 255, 204, 1), new n(153, 255, 227, 1), new n(204, 255, 241, 1)), JUG_GREEN: new y(new n(0, 56, 0, 1), new n(32, 69, 36, 1), new n(50, 161, 0, 1), new n(129, 206, 0, 1), new n(190, 231, 141, 1), new n(234, 247, 218, 1)) }, ur = { RED_LED: new ut("#FF9A89", "#FF9A89", "#FF3300", "#FF8D70", "#7E1C00", "#7E1C00", "#641B00"), GREEN_LED: new ut("#9AFF89", "#9AFF89", "#59FF2A", "#A5FF00", "#1C7E00", "#1C7E00", "#1B6400"), BLUE_LED: new ut("#899AFF", "#899AFF", "#0033FF", "#708DFF", "#001C7E", "#001C7E", "#001B64"), ORANGE_LED: new ut("#FEA23F", "#FEA23F", "#FD6C00", "#FD6C00", "#592800", "#592800", "#421F00"), YELLOW_LED: new ut("#FFFF62", "#FFFF62", "#FFFF00", "#FFFF00", "#6B6D00", "#6B6D00", "#515300"), CYAN_LED: new ut("#00FFFF", "#00FFFF", "#1BC3C3", "#00FFFF", "#083B3B", "#083B3B", "#052727"), MAGENTA_LED: new ut("#D300FF", "#D300FF", "#8600CB", "#C300FF", "#38004B", "#38004B", "#280035") }, fr = { TYPE1: new ct("type1"), TYPE2: new ct("type2"), TYPE3: new ct("type3"), TYPE4: new ct("type4"), TYPE5: new ct("type5") }, er = { NORTH: new vt("north"), SOUTH: new vt("south"), EAST: new vt("east"), WEST: new vt("west") }, or = { STANDARD_KNOB: new ui("standardKnob"), METAL_KNOB: new ui("metalKnob") }, sr = { BLACK: new gt("black"), BRASS: new gt("brass"), SILVER: new gt("silver"), CUSTOM: new gt("custom") }, hr = { BLACK_METAL: new b("blackMetal"), METAL: new b("metal"), SHINY_METAL: new b("shinyMetal"), BRASS: new b("brass"), STEEL: new b("steel"), CHROME: new b("chrome"), GOLD: new b("gold"), ANTHRACITE: new b("anthracite"), TILTED_GRAY: new b("tiltedGray"), TILTED_BLACK: new b("tiltedBlack"), GLOSSY_METAL: new b("glossyMetal") }, cr = { TYPE1: new h("type1"), TYPE2: new h("type2"), TYPE3: new h("type3"), TYPE4: new h("type4"), TYPE5: new h("type5"), TYPE6: new h("type6"), TYPE7: new h("type7"), TYPE8: new h("type8"), TYPE9: new h("type9"), TYPE10: new h("type10"), TYPE11: new h("type11"), TYPE12: new h("type12"), TYPE13: new h("type13"), TYPE14: new h("type14"), TYPE15: new h("type15"), TYPE16: new h("type16") }, lr = { TYPE1: new lt("type1"), TYPE2: new lt("type2"), TYPE3: new lt("type3"), TYPE4: new lt("type4"), TYPE5: new lt("type5") }, ar = { STANDARD: new ni("standard"), FRACTIONAL: new ni("fractional"), SCIENTIFIC: new ni("scientific") }, vr = { NORMAL: new ti("normal"), HORIZONTAL: new ti("horizontal"), TANGENT: new ti("tangent") }, yr = { UP: new yt("up"), STEADY: new yt("steady"), DOWN: new yt("down"), OFF: new yt("off") }; return { Radial: hi, RadialBargraph: ci, DisplaySingle: li, WindDirection: ai, Led: vi, Odometer: yi, drawFrame: g, drawBackground: nt, drawForeground: tt, rgbaColor: n, ConicalGradient: at, setAlpha: u, getColorFromFraction: kt, gradientWrapper: di, BackgroundColor: tr, LcdColor: ir, ColorDef: rr, LedColor: ur, GaugeType: fr, Orientation: er, FrameDesign: hr, PointerType: cr, ForegroundType: lr, KnobType: or, KnobStyle: sr, LabelNumberFormat: ar, TickLabelOrientation: vr, TrendState: yr, Section: gi } }() /*!********************************************************************* TERMS OF USE - EASING EQUATIONS Open source under the BSD License. Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Penner JavaScript version copyright (C) 2006 by Philippe Maegerman All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************/ function Delegate() {} Delegate.create = function(n, t) { for (var r = [], u = arguments.length, i = 2; i < u; i++) r[i - 2] = arguments[i]; return function() { var i = [].concat(arguments, r); t.apply(n, i) } }; var Tween = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e) { this.init(n, t, i, r, u, f, e) }, t = Tween.prototype; t.obj = {}, t.prop = "", t.func = function(n, t, i, r) { return i * n / r + t }, t.begin = 0, t.change = 0, t.prevTime = 0, t.prevPos = 0, t.looping = !1, t._duration = 0, t._time = 0, t._pos = 0, t._position = 0, t._startTime = 0, t._finish = 0, t.name = "", t.suffixe = "", t._listeners = [], t.setTime = function(n) { this.prevTime = this._time, n > this.getDuration() ? this.looping ? (this.rewind(n - this._duration), this.update(), this.broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", { target: this, type: "onMotionLooped" })) : (this._time = this._duration, this.update(), this.stop(), this.broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", { target: this, type: "onMotionFinished" })) : n < 0 ? (this.rewind(), this.update()) : (this._time = n, this.update()) }, t.getTime = function() { return this._time }, t.setDuration = function(n) { this._duration = n === null || n <= 0 ? 1e5 : n }, t.getDuration = function() { return this._duration }, t.setPosition = function(n) { this.prevPos = this._pos; var t = this.suffixe !== "" ? this.suffixe : ""; this.obj[this.prop] = Math.round(n) + t, this._pos = n, this.broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", { target: this, type: "onMotionChanged" }) }, t.getPosition = function(n) { return n === undefined && (n = this._time), this.func(n, this.begin, this.change, this._duration) }, t.setFinish = function(n) { this.change = n - this.begin }, t.getFinish = function() { return this.begin + this.change }, t.init = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e) { arguments.length && (this._listeners = [], this.addListener(this), e && (this.suffixe = e), this.obj = n, this.prop = t, this.begin = r, this._pos = r, this.setDuration(f), i !== null && i !== "" && (this.func = i), this.setFinish(u)) }, t.start = function() { this.rewind(), this.startEnterFrame(), this.broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", { target: this, type: "onMotionStarted" }) }, t.rewind = function(n) { this.stop(), this._time = n === undefined ? 0 : n, this.fixTime(), this.update() }, t.fforward = function() { this._time = this._duration, this.fixTime(), this.update() }, t.update = function() { this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time)) }, t.startEnterFrame = function() { this.stopEnterFrame(), this.isPlaying = !0, this.onEnterFrame() }, t.onEnterFrame = function() { this.isPlaying && (this.nextFrame(), setTimeout(Delegate.create(this, this.onEnterFrame), 25)) }, t.nextFrame = function() { this.setTime((this.getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1e3) }, t.stop = function() { this.stopEnterFrame(), this.broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", { target: this, type: "onMotionStopped" }) }, t.stopEnterFrame = function() { this.isPlaying = !1 }, t.playing = function() { return this.isPlaying }, t.continueTo = function(n, t) { this.begin = this._pos, this.setFinish(n), this._duration !== undefined && this.setDuration(t), this.start() }, t.resume = function() { this.fixTime(), this.startEnterFrame(), this.broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", { target: this, type: "onMotionResumed" }) }, t.yoyo = function() { this.continueTo(this.begin, this._time) }, t.addListener = function(n) { return this.removeListener(n), this._listeners.push(n) }, t.removeListener = function(n) { for (var t = this._listeners, i = t.length; i--;) if (t[i] === n) return t.splice(i, 1), !0; return !1 }, t.broadcastMessage = function() { for (var i = [], r, t = this._listeners, u = t.length, n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) i.push(arguments[n]); for (r = i.shift(), n = 0; n < u; n++) t[n][r] && t[n][r].apply(t[n], i) }, t.fixTime = function() { this._startTime = this.getTimer() - this._time * 1e3 }, t.getTimer = function() { return (new Date).getTime() - this._time }, Tween.backEaseIn = function(n, t, i, r) { var u = 1.70158; return i * (n /= r) * n * ((u + 1) * n - u) + t }, Tween.backEaseOut = function(n, t, i, r) { var u = 1.70158; return i * ((n = n / r - 1) * n * ((u + 1) * n + u) + 1) + t }, Tween.backEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r) { var u = 1.70158; return (n /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * n * n * (((u *= 1.525) + 1) * n - u) + t : i / 2 * ((n -= 2) * n * (((u *= 1.525) + 1) * n + u) + 2) + t }, Tween.elasticEaseIn = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { var e; return n === 0 ? t : (n /= r) == 1 ? t + i : (f || (f = r * .3), !u || u < Math.abs(i) ? (u = i, e = f / 4) : e = f / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(i / u), -(u * Math.pow(2, 10 * (n -= 1)) * Math.sin((n * r - e) * 2 * Math.PI / f)) + t) }, Tween.elasticEaseOut = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { var e; return n === 0 ? t : (n /= r) == 1 ? t + i : (f || (f = r * .3), !u || u < Math.abs(i) ? (u = i, e = f / 4) : e = f / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(i / u), u * Math.pow(2, -10 * n) * Math.sin((n * r - e) * 2 * Math.PI / f) + i + t) }, Tween.elasticEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { var e; return n === 0 ? t : (n /= r / 2) == 2 ? t + i : (f || (f = r * .3 * 1.5), !u || u < Math.abs(i) ? (u = i, e = f / 4) : e = f / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(i / u), n < 1) ? -.5 * u * Math.pow(2, 10 * (n -= 1)) * Math.sin((n * r - e) * 2 * Math.PI / f) + t : u * Math.pow(2, -10 * (n -= 1)) * Math.sin((n * r - e) * 2 * Math.PI / f) * .5 + i + t }, Tween.bounceEaseOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return (n /= r) < 1 / 2.75 ? i * 7.5625 * n * n + t : n < 2 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (n -= 1.5 / 2.75) * n + .75) + t : n < 2.5 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (n -= 2.25 / 2.75) * n + .9375) + t : i * (7.5625 * (n -= 2.625 / 2.75) * n + .984375) + t }, Tween.bounceEaseIn = function(n, t, i, r) { return i - Tween.bounceEaseOut(r - n, 0, i, r) + t }, Tween.bounceEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return n < r / 2 ? Tween.bounceEaseIn(n * 2, 0, i, r) * .5 + t : Tween.bounceEaseOut(n * 2 - r, 0, i, r) * .5 + i * .5 + t }, Tween.strongEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return i * (n /= r) * n * n * n * n + t }, Tween.regularEaseIn = function(n, t, i, r) { return i * (n /= r) * n + t }, Tween.regularEaseOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return -i * (n /= r) * (n - 2) + t }, Tween.regularEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return (n /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * n * n + t : -i / 2 * (--n * (n - 2) - 1) + t }, Tween.strongEaseIn = function(n, t, i, r) { return i * (n /= r) * n * n * n * n + t }, Tween.strongEaseOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return i * ((n = n / r - 1) * n * n * n * n + 1) + t }, Tween.strongEaseInOut = function(n, t, i, r) { return (n /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * n * n * n * n * n + t : i / 2 * ((n -= 2) * n * n * n * n + 2) + t }